According to Watch Tower statistics about 30000 thousand people per year left the organization. My question is: How many of them in are not raised in the Truth? Sorry for my poor english. I hope you will understand my question =) Regards.
How many JW that are not raised in the truth have left the organization?
by THE_CHOSEN_ONE 26 Replies latest jw experiences
I came into the "TRUTH" at age 21 and left at age 49...
@zeroday I was wondering what make to left the organization? Biblical doctrines of the org or the people in the cong?
Chosen One,
The number you quoted in the first post is those who were actually disfellowshipped or disassociated from the organization. Many others just fade away.
Many of us were disfellowshipped and decided to never go back. I'd say even more just didn't like being a Witness, it didn't feel right. The people were unkind or hypocritical.
For some, it was doctrine that made them leave -- but I'd say more just faded away because it didn't feel right to them any more.
I got sucked in when I was 19, and coming off a major hangover. I stuck around for a bit, but the whole, god is going to kill your worldly family (who are incredible people) and every good person who is not a jovie. I also observed so much hypocrisy throughout the congregations that I just had that feeling that it was all bullshit. I'm embarassed that I fell for this crap.
@zeroday I was wondering what make to left the organization? Biblical doctrines of the org or the people in the cong?
Long story I have mentioned some here on JWD...PM me and I will tell all...
White Dove
A study was done by a reputable company and it found that JW have the lowest retention rate but the highest hook'em rate of most religions (It's been said that Wicca is the fastest growing religion, but due to the nature of hidden (occult) religions, it is hard to prove). Retention rate is 37% of born-ins staying in. 63% of born ins leave. Not very good, is it?
White Dove
Chosen one,
Zero's cat was bad association. It was his cat that influenced him to leave the org.
Chosen one,
Zero's cat was bad association. It was his cat that influenced him to leave the org.
YOU are just EVIL White Dove...the cult of the CAT brought me down why must you expose me...Sniper Kitty rescue me....hit your mark...
White Dove
Ohhhh, my kneecap, Ohhhhh!!! Not the other one! NOOOO!!!! Bad kitty, Bad!