Reminds me of the old Buddhist teaching story:
Buddha: Everything has Buddha nature, even grass.Student: Does a dog have Buddha nature?
Buddha: Mu [which, in Sanskrit, means both No and Woof!]
gently feral
by Nathan Natas 12 Replies latest jw friends
Reminds me of the old Buddhist teaching story:
Buddha: Everything has Buddha nature, even grass.Student: Does a dog have Buddha nature?
Buddha: Mu [which, in Sanskrit, means both No and Woof!]
gently feral
"it's not like we can make him cross his legs."
Sure you can. That's what Duct Tape is for. How do you think they got the bear to ride the bike at the circus? How about the water skiing squirrel? Duct tape...all Duct tape.
Reminds me of when I said to the JWs,
'I'll be your dawg!' and got baptised with garbage.