Every time I have raised the NOOLITE on this, it is met with blank looks and no comment.
On the phone it has been met with silence while they wait to see why I am talking about it.
Has anybody else noticed this - it is a trend that less and less witlesses discuss doctrines and teachings when socializing.
Could it be that they don't want to acknowledge a creeping disernment that they have been strung along, and so the Gibbering Buddy can no more be trusted on this claim than all the other failures, or is it that they are afraid of being called apostos?
One elderly sister (90) who really thought she would never die, and is now, when I said I was atonished at the recent changes in 1935 annointed, generation and now no book group, just waited at the other end of the phone.
"Hello?" I said. "are you still there?"
"so does this mean you think it is all rubbish?" ( my alarm bells rang)
"I think it shows they are moving forward in their understanding." At this she brightened up, and we just talked trivia after that.
I may seem a hypocrite here - but she would only have caused trouble for ME, and ended up dying in distress if I did bother to show her what a crock it all is.
People don't seem to "talk about the truth" at gatherings anymore. ( well the first one I was invited to in 15 years anyway.)