What's his name, sapian? So what was the question...
Why did Jehovah kill Adam and send a redemmer?
145 to go but not tonight. Maybe by the end of next week.
by Satanus 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What's his name, sapian? So what was the question...
Why did Jehovah kill Adam and send a redemmer?
145 to go but not tonight. Maybe by the end of next week.
I was actually wondering the same thing (that's a really bad sign). Tetrapod sapien. I think he took a real long acid trip and merged w the light, or ended up starting a commune, or something. Not sure which country.
hmmmmmmm maybe I can channel TO him and find out where he has been hiding.
Heh, that's a good idea. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing. Btw, are you hyjacking my thread, or am i?
No highjack here....I am trying very hard to understand your statement. Do you mean to say Jesus didn't have to save us from our sins?
I'll simplify what i said. Adam sinned, a wrong. Jesus was killed, also a wrong. Yet, the wrongful murder of jesus makes it right.
Let me see if I get my eletrons to spark so as give an answer.
God had the right to kill Adam because he was disobetient.....but God could not kill Jesus has he was perfect and obedient....so it WAS that imperfect man was allowed and could kill Jesus. No one said it was right.
Isa53:10 comes to mind, “But the LORD was pleased to crush Him, putting Him to grief". Then there's paul, who glorified jesus' murder. "God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." Gal6:14
You have to remember one little detail. Jesus was killed but he was also resurrected by God.
Good point Satanus.
Like god is perfect but needed a hit man to get Jesus sacrificed to fulfill his perfect fortune telling prophecies without himslef being guilty of anything.
So god is perfect at prophecy and Judas suffers for getting gods prophecy to come true!
Erm yeah - we have some circular reasoning here again! Why would I ever take this stuff seriously unless someone had put fear as a child into my soul? It is utter bunkum!
The god who was in Jesus is in all humans if only they find it. And the Bible is not its source!