You all have made very good points. The graduation time is around the time I have my children. I can ask my ex to take them for me for that day but he's been so busy with his job that I hate to ask him to take them that day...especially since I just asked him to take Sierra while Zach and I go camping.
Though, if I take them, I'm sure they (especially my mom) will say something to my son and upset him...he's only 9 years old. For example, they haven't seen him with long hair and I just KNOW my mom will make a stupid comment about it.
I have until the 25th to prepare myself for the "reunion". I am very proud of my brother. My mom is the one that said he was certified to be in heating and air....I haven't gotten this word from him yet and I know my mom has embellished things before. For example, she made it sound like my sister that's working for Wendy's as if she "owned" that particular Wendy's and I found out this wasn't the case. In fact, my sister makes just above min. wages.
Believe me, my ex (AlmostAtheist) knows exactly how she can stretch the truth. That's why I made the comment "whatever that means" about my brother being "certified".