Which MALE body type do you prefer?

by ItsJustMe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    I like an affectionate guy - I love hugs and kisses. I'll keep my man busy with those!

    Does anybody else just love it when a guy comes up behind you and wraps those big arms around your waist and nuzzles your neck? I LOOOVE that!

    Andi *sigh*

  • tyydyy

    Is it true that chicks dig scars? :)


  • Billygoat


    My honey has a little scar over his eye/under his eyebrow. I find it very sexy. I can't explain it, but I find myself kissing it a lot.


  • peaceloveharmony

    andi, i LOVE that too! i just LOVE LOVE LOVE cuddling! mmmmmmm okay this is bad..i'm going out drinking in an hour or so...watch out boys and girls! hahahaha

  • Billygoat


    Early "happy" hour today? ((()))


  • ItsJustMe

    Andi....add to that whispering in your ear....yummy!

  • conflicted

    Mony, if I was in Minn. right now I'd go with you. Have one for me.

    Andi, I do that to Mrs. Conflicted all the time - she snuggles right back.

    I don't have any scars, but I broke my little finger playing basketball and it's a kind of crooked, she thinks it's cute.

  • ShaunaC

    I like my men pretty much the same as I like my women....Dark skin and hair. Go figure why I love my Nick who is a total blonde surfer boy with blue eyes! But he's got the greatest ass I've ever seen. And he's naturally built with pecks, a defined back and a six-pack. Keeps his shape up by surfing everyday...and playing raquetball, and tennis, and snowboarding and wakeboarding. The man loves his extreme sports!

    I used to love men over 6 foot. My ex hubby was 6'1". But Nick is only 5'11" (he swears though I think he's 1/2 to 1 inch off). Perfect when I wear my 4 inch heels, which is pretty much all the time. Now I love having a man I'm eye to eye with. It's so sexy!

    Another thing I completely love about Nick...he's got the softest skin on his body & hands. My dad was a mechanic and always had yucky hands. I love a man with a soft but firm touch!

    BTW, Nick spoons me every night when we go to bed (with or without sex) and does the same every morning. I set my alarm to make sure I have extra time for cuddling cuz Nick never wants to let me out of bed!


  • tyydyy

    Are there any women here who do not like a lot of muscles?


  • Angharad
    Does anybody else just love it when a guy comes up behind you and wraps those big arms around your waist and nuzzles your neck? I LOOOVE that!

    I love that too Andi

    I like dark hair and dark eyes, not too much body hair. One thing I can't stand is hairy backs!

    Good sense of humour too.

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