Seize the day.
As witnesses we were constantly taught to put off our dreams, our hopes,
our goals and wait til the "New World" to live.
Well. One thing I've learned it to not put joy off until tomorrow.
I've learned this by observation of how my witness family and friends'
lives have turned out. I do have pity for them, but alas, we all choose
our paths.
How do you do it?
Start with short term attainable goals and then build on it.
I'm 50 this year. My next goal is to see all of the continental US
that I haven't seen yet and I'm doing it in July. Scary to quit my
job and do this. Yes, quite. But in 10 years I'll just be older so
I'm doing it now.
Living is quite enjoyable when you are working towards goals.
Without goals, life goes adrift fairly quickly.
Now, I mean it. Your goals will clearly be different from mine.
Bravo! Thats what makes them fun, they belong only to you.
Read some Mark Twain. He'll inspire you.
hugs to all my friends out there.
Carpe Diem
by joelbear69 13 Replies latest jw friends
Eyes Open
Thanks Joel. :) Hugs back at ya, ya life-liver, you!
Enjoy your travels!
Hmm, smell that fresh air of freedom... -
compound complex
Greetings, JB:
Particularly since viewing DEAD POETS SOCIETY have I contemplated "seizing the day." The expression and concept simply lodged in the mind. While my reality's different from yours (as you've acknowledged), I am, nevertheless, an "armchair traveler" and acquit myself quite well, whence I sit, as I journey about the universe.
Enjoy your junket and keep us posted.
CoCo Confined
Your advice to read Mark Twain is right on the money. Several years ago a good friend of mine was reading Tom Sawyer. I gave him a hard time as I thought it was a children's book. But he convinced me to read it again. I loved it and read Huck Finn next. Travel is so worth the effort. I applaud the fact that you are doing this before it's too late. Better to look back at real places that you've been and good times you've had there then be on your deathbed wishing for what you might have done. Godspeed to you!
I prefer carpe carp.......seize the carp
When I was growing up in the Cult of the Borg I studied hard and made "spiritual progress" quickly. But after finding the reality of the Society's promises unfulfilling I stopped studying and was rather proud of what the WT called "the permafrost of the brain". In the past year I have studied my religious upbringing harder than ever, but in a completely different way. My eyes are wide open and are growing more open by the day. I devour this message board, sites like jwfacts and information from people like Rick Ross and Steve Hassan. Were the rest of you just as gung-ho when you started coming out of the fog of mind control?
Going cross country is fun...been there done that. I was not a very good witness to tell you the truth..I lived for the day and not for Armageddon. Although I had my obnoxious moments as a JW when preaching to people and my friends. Right now my goals are to redo my kitchen. New floor, new appliances, paint and cabinets, sink. Have fun and keep us up to date on your travels.
Well Joel, please dont take this the wrong way...If you know me you will understand....I think I hate you and your post!..................oompa
Yes live your dreams. And I've got a host of goals to reach. Some of them stupid and some of them scary, but it does make living a lot more fun.
Golf - I'm going to play golf - I've only ever played putt putt and I'm not too good at that, but for a laugh I'm keen to try.
Bungi jump - I've set myself the goal of doing the jump at Gateway Centre - from the ground it looks bloody high and just typing about it gets my heart going -but I want to do it.
More travelling - right now I've got nothing on the cards but would love to go to Alaska, would love to do the States - but your country is so massive I'd need a good few months to get around. And to see more of my own country.
Telescope - I want to get one - I love the night sky and have since a lil girl so it's about time I got one and started checking things out - currently looking into this.
So yes I'll lift my glass of red merlot and clinck *Carpe Diem*
I hope you have fun!
How are you going to travel?