Wife and I had a "Date Night" on Friday. First, dinner at "Shane's Rib Shack" then the 8:00 show of Iron Man. We both really liked it. Who knew Jeff Bridges could play a double dealing bad guy that well? We actually didn't immediately recognize him. We knew we knew him, but until he spoke in his distinctive voice, we weren't sure. As for Robert Downey Jr., Fantastic. Anytime he's out of jail, he can out act many in his age group.
Anyone saw "Iron Man"?
by Reverend Warhawk 30 Replies latest jw friends
My daughter and BF went to see it this week-end... TOTALLY loved it. They said it was the "Coolest" movie they ever saw.
Can't wait to see it...
Hey Reverend!
I saw the movie last Friday. It was great!
You should go to the movies more often... keeps your mind clear of the JW world. And you know what I mean!! :)
Take care!!
The acronym originally stood for Supreme Headquarters, International Espionage, Law-Enforcement Division. It was changed in 1991 to Strategic Hazard Intervention, Espionage Logistics Directorate. In 2008's Iron Man film, the acronym stood for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division
The above was cribbed from Wikipedia.
When "Nick Fury:Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D." was created as a comic back in the 1960's, they took their inspiration from the James Bond films and American TV show "Man from U.N.C.L.E" (which stood for "United Network Command for Law and Enforcement").
The cameo at the end was a thrill. It's a fanboy geek dream to see one movie studio have the licensing rights to several properties, with the ability to 'mix and match' the characters of different movies together. Rumor has it that Iron Man has a cameo in a later movie this year featuring a certain green force of destruction...
Just seen it Saturday!
Good show!
totally loved it! and i adore robert downy, jr..... one can dream!
Loved it! ...got a whole new perspective of Robt. Downey, Jr. Special fx were awesome.
Yes, and I loved it. I'm not a big fan of comic book hero movies, but the critics were raving about this one and it had a great cast... I loved Jeff Bridges in the bald villain role!
Did anyone notice the tattoo on Robert Downy Jr.'s neck? It's that symbol nvr had on his JWD avatar. What is that anyway?
changeling :)
I'm waiting for Dark Knight.
There's a surprise at the end? Damnit! I couldn't get my Mum to stay and check.
I really enjoyed it apart from that. I expected a film that's made out to be good but is actually really tedious but it exceeded my expectations. I could barely take my eyes off the screen until someone told me to get out of the way.