Where do you start to find the answers to God?

by Hope4Others 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R.Crusoe

    It is amazing that life lives in each of us. We all share that!

    I think this is what many spiritual teachers have referred to down the millennia.

    Whatever you seek already exists and is within you - not without.

    In the stillness of your soul you know it's there whilst everyone else goes about their noisy lives. Only you have what you have in that second of consciousness that you engage with.

    Maybe it will be yours for eternity.

    If so it may be wise to learn to treat it well and with respect for its a long time to have to live with yourself.

  • BurnTheShips
    Why can't Burn the ships put this in layman's terms

    The world of the very small completely betrays common sense. In a sense these things are "veiled" to us. Instrumentation has made these things visible, and physics has made them explainable, but the explanation is...esoteric.

    A Darwinist would say it is because we evolved our cognition to deal with things at our own scale, neither the macro, nor the micro, but the human scale.

    If you want popularization/primer on Quantum Physics, Superforce by Paul Davies is about as good as it is going to get. I picked it up in 1987, and couldn't put it down:




  • flipper

    HOPE 4 OTHERS- I have found many answers within myself after leaving the witness cult almost 5 years ago. I read a fair amount of psychology books dealing with how to be positive , and that we ourselves can effect change in our lives ! I think some who look to God, or a higher power sometimes want a crutch to lean on ; so they don't have to think for themselves. Not trying to sound harsh - but it's the conclusion I have come to.

    I feel I'm an agnostic of sorts- I kind of feel something is up there helping the seasons along, I see the beautiful forests, wild animals, rivers, streams , lakes , and I kind of look at it as the Native Americans I believe. I know something is up there - but I just accept it, and carry on positively with life and don't worry about it - just try to help others and love other people. All I can say. If you are interseted in some good psychology books- just PM me, and I'll turn you on to some ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Casper

    I think I have become more confused than I ever have been, where do you start to find the answers to what you thought you already had?


    I have asked the above many times, over the years, to those around me. I am still lost. I feel there has to be something out there, but who or what it is, is just beyond me. I guess that makes me an agnostic.

    We may never know for sure, and I am trying to accept that. I do know that "Evolution" does not do it for me.

    I sincerely hope you find peace of mind...


  • real one
    real one

    As ex-jw, well me an ex-study, it is confusing at the beginning. I felt as you but i quickly got a hold of myself and decided to read another translation of the Bible. I had been told many times that they changed the Bible but would not listen. This helped me tremendously because the jw had told me their Bible was the same but I found out 17 yrs later major differences. One of the main differences I discovered was that i really couldn't understand the scriptures in it because it is not in laymens terms! Then when i broke it down it is not the same. simular just dosen't cut it.

    I was raised as a Baptist from 9 to 18. Then I remembered this and decided to go back to the God I knew. I don't feel like I ever left him but my relationship with him was very distant, especially with Jesus. I doubted throughout my studies but continued.

    Once I decided to leave for good my whole world changed. I wondered if they were right but that quickly faded when i started searching the net. Then I came here.

    Jw are not evil. I see them as the Pharassies. They make God's word burdensome. They also lean on their own understanding in some respects.

    My advice to you is to read your Bible and pray for God's Holy Spirit to lead you. Sometimes you will feel like God is not there, and thats normal but you must keep pressing on. You cannot stop searching for God. His words are in the scriptures. He tells us all about him and his glorious Son! We don't know everything but you will see that as you study the word your answers will come. Sometimes I'll have a question and it is answered immmediately. Other times i meditate on his word and it comes. It use to freak me out but then i grew to accept God's wonderfulness.

    There is no better way to live! Going to church is really important too.there you fellowship with people just like you who don't mind praying for you and helping each other out. Go where you feel comfortable and where you will hear the word for this builds faith as the Bible tells us.

    Reconcile yourself to God. You probably won't hear him speak, i havent yet except through preachers, reading the word, you know not his audible voice yet.

    The gospel tells us that we must believe that we must ask God to forgive us for our sins. This must be heartfelt and sincere. This is not some mindless thing. For we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all know that we sin. We must also believe that Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead. We must ask God to accept us and to come into our lives and be Lord or ruler of us. We must also ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us in God's ways. Prayer is very important in our relationship with God.

    We must not let anyone come between our relationship with God. Satan is our main advesary so we must pray to God to protect us from his evil deeds.

    Being a christian is not an easy road becaue the world is always trying to make you loose the faith you have. When you feel like God is not there don't worry he is there. we all feel that way sometimes. He takes care of us as he sees fit and we must understand that. He knows what is best for us and what we need and when we need it. I live this life and I know its true.

    Im not prefect but i try to serve God to the best of my ability. Put God first. Jw always say this but we know they put the wts first so thats where they make their mistake i think.

    This is getting long and i'd love to say more so if you would like to hear more please feel free to ask.

  • real one
    real one

    I think some who look to God, or a higher power sometimes want a crutch to lean on ; so they don't have to think for themselves. Not trying to sound harsh - but it's the conclusion I have come to.

    You have come to a conclusion that Satan is very proud of just like all the other positive thinking gurus. Lean not upon you own understanding. Believe me a christian uses their brain more than you could imagine.

  • jgnat

    I'd put the books down and go camping. Straight observation is best.

    Quantum is a new set of laws, Newtonian laws differ from quantum laws. The Observer however can change the out come in quantum law.

    I just finished reading a layman's book on the mind and quantum theory, and I'd modify your understanding a little bit. Quantum law stands on it own (it's internally consistent, and one gets expected results), but the very act of observation can modify the result. This has been duplicated in the lab. A photon, separated from it's partner, can be "frozen" in to a certain state, by rapidly observing it over and over again. Even weirder, it's twin, maybe miles away, will continue to be related to the state of it's partner.

    Large objects continue to behave the way Newton expected. But also their behavior does not contradict what we know about Quantum physics. The one assumption that might have died is the idea that an object cannot influence another over distance.

  • Quirky1


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    IMO there are no absolute answers to spiritual questions. There are opinions, there are faiths based on old and new stories, there are endless philosophical ideas on the subject. But there are no answers. I just accept that now and stop wasting my short life worrying that I might be "lost" somehow.

    But it is a great place to be! Sure, I no longer have the crutch of faith in the monster Jehooby, or any other monster for that matter. But it was a false crutch anyhow. And yet to know that makes a huge difference! You and I are free to think! Free to search for answers... if you think that will do any good... but I don't think there are any "answers" at all.

    So what's to do? Make up your own mind! Look for love, health as best you can, better society, help others etc etc etc ....... life's a great big lottery and every day you wake up with a minimum of health you're a winner.

    My "faith", if it can be called such, is now reduced to this: the chances of me existing, say a hundred or a thousand years ago were so small as to be effectively zero, and yet here I am. The chances of me continuing to exist after I die are probably the same........ make your own conclusions.......

    Try to be happy wherever your search takes you!


  • Cynisister

    Thank you, Gopher, for "I would rather have questions I can't answer than answers I cannot question"! This tells it all for me, and it will be my new mantra.


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