Thanks for the all the replies. I found this interesting mind-trip on another old thread from a poster named "SAHS". (No history is shown for SAHS. Weird.)
Here?s an interesting little relativity-like ?thought experiment? regarding the experience of death:
Let me ask all of you, What exactly were you thinking about, worrying about, or experiencing on January 1st, 1800? Were you thinking, ?Boy, I?m really sick and tired of waiting to be born sometime in the next century,? or, ?This is kind of boring and scary, not being born yet?? I don?t think so. Although you can?t exactly remember just what you were thinking or feeling on January 1st, 1800, you can logically conclude that you were not thinking or feeling anything?because you weren?t born, and therefore didn?t exist yet. Your ?life??or that which is the entity specifically comprising your ?consciousness??was yet to be (and if your parents never meant, it never would be, in any event).
So, what is my point? Well, if we change the above date to January 1st, 2200?assuming that you won?t end up in the earthly Paradise, or in heaven, or in a dog?s body, or that they don?t invent a real bitch?n? version of Geritol in the immediate future that would allow you to live that long?well, ... wouldn?t it be the exact same thing as January 1st, 1800? I mean, nothing being ventured or being gained ... just, well, nothing (door knob status)?
So, when you think of it, there really is nothing to fear about the state of death ... because in the eternal time continuum, we?ve already been there before!