Going through pictures of Rome, I put on one of my most favorite Italian singers Andrea Bocelli. His music lifts me, tugs at the heart and soul, a soothing voice. Eyes closed, a glass of red wine in hand, ah magic I tell you. Makes me want to get on the first plane to Italy. Ciao :)
Italian music to make my toes curl in delight
by LouBelle 17 Replies latest jw friends
Guest with Questions
Hi LouBelle: I love Italian music as well. I have a few Andrea Bocelli cd's but usually play his contemporary one (Andrea). This is what I'm listening to at the moment. I thought you might enjoy it. I love this song.
Luciano Pavarotti & Lucio Dalla - Caruso : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-8CNslGOPc&feature=related
Andrea Bocelli - Canto Della Terra: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBZT53Vuvho
try gianluca grignani
or try
eros ramazzotti
they're definetely chick song writers (i like them too)
Yes I also like Eros, great voice.
Wordly Andre
Eros Rocks, I have some of his Spanish cds
Italian singers Andrea Bocelli
I love his music, husband hates opera.
'A time to day goodbye" with Sarah Brightman
I have the Cd; Andrea Bocelli Sogno, of course I have to go off to listen to it myself. Oh, well!
"Love the Prayer"
Wordly Andre
my favorite Eros CD is Stile Libero, what a great mix of music.
I've got eros in italian, and spanish.
other oldies but goodies are: umberto tozzi (the original writer of "gloria", and "ti amo")
Questo pezzo di musica e di Gigi Dagostino a si chiama...."Gigi's Love or Volando"...ie..the background music is called Volando or Gigis Love....
Hi LB....He's one of my favorites too!
When my husband and I were in Italy, one of the hotels gave us a CD of classical Italian music.....I treasure it ..... it was a very romantic vacation....
Musica E Gastronomia...It includes Puccini, Verdi, Catalani, and Rossini.....especially produced for the hotel and restaurant....Sofitel Bologna, Roma, Firenze and Venezia!