Your jw family did what they were supposed to do according to WTB&TS rules. They aren't supposed to get involved in marital problems. When I called my jw mom to ask if I could hide out from my extremely abusive jw husband, she said no. I freaked out on the elders, and the po told my mom it was ok to give me temporary shelter. Of course, they encouraged me to reconcile with him, be a better wife and wait on Jehovah. In the meantime and for the next six years, my jw husband hit me, terrorized me by driving into oncoming traffic and later threatened to kill me and then himself. He was forcibly committed to mental insitutions twice. Doctors and judges believed that he would follow through and kill me. When I filed for divorce and he was locked up against his will in the looney bin, three elders made an unannounced visit to my home. Again I was advised to reconcile, be a better wife and wait on Jehovah. I refused and said that I was going through with the divorce. They then advised me that I could not remarry unless I could prove adultery on his part. At this point I was just about as crazy as he was. I'd lived in a constant state of fear for six and a half years. No, I didn't have a boyfriend. But I was so desperate to get and stay away from him that I absolutely refused to hang around to see if a. he was going to kill me or b. he was going to commit adultery. I offered to da myself, but they df'd me instead. I don't know if the three elders coming to my house was a judicial committee or not, but they seemed awfully accusatory at the time. I got the distinct impression that his abusive behavior was my fault, despite the fact that my husband at the time admitted his wrong doing and told them he was repentent time after time after time. Oh, and some of the other sins he freely admitted to: buying pornography and beating me for it and giving himself blow jobs, (yes, guys, he really could do it to himself...kind of like a dog). Anyway, I filed for divorce and was so desperate to get away from him that I did not ask for alimony and walked away from my home and the vast majority of my possessions. I lost association with my brother and my mother in the process.
So, a jc probably isn't that far away for your aunt. The WTB&TS looks down on jws who bring worldly authority into the picture. And they love to df people for whom they have no solution other than to endure the abuse. I am no longer afraid of that lunatic, because I know he is a coward, and the fact that I have a husband who would love to snap him in half doesn't hurt either . Good luck to you and your aunt. I hope somebody has the opportunity to kick her husband's ass. And I hope she and the kids get the hell out of the cult and the marriage, since both are equally damaging.