This topic is about the end of a relationship. I was reading in an old self help book on surviving divorce. He put the survivors into the dumpee/dumper category,and then there were the mutuals that I know nothing about.
....I found a few things interesting about that.
For one, he suggests that the dumpers experience more guilt, the dumpees experience more rejection.
The dumpers have been in pain and turmoil longer than the dumpees, so they are more emotionally advanced by the time the relationship is ending. Not to say that their pain is less, it just started first. The dumpees are often blind-sided, and have a great deal of difficulty accepting the end of the relationship.
ADD the JW/apostate element. It seems to involve a third party, a dividing of interests, a separating of paths, so significant it can sometimes leave the relationship with no air to breath. So it would be dumper, dumpee, and the a man made organization demanding full worship (can''t think of a "d" work for that). Is it really the dumper's fault?????
Just a discussion