"Trying to get former JW's to work together is like herding cats"

by Mickey mouse 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    OTWO said this on the "suing the tower" thread.

    Why is this? I have noticed it also. I wonder whether some people would not be comfortable with the idea of a world without the Watchtower? Maybe their experiences would be in some way diminished if their former captor was gone? I know some feel that they have wasted enough time and energy on the WT and that's fair enough. It does seem though there is a good number of people here interested in doing something constructive but little consensus as to what. I also wonder whether other ex-JW's are over sensitive to being controlled by others or working towards a common goal?

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I think I am now a little over-sensitive to being controlled by others after having been a slave to others my whole life. Sometimes it's hard to objectively differentiate between what others want, my wanting to fit in and what I actually want. I'm trying not to let the fear interfere too much with the progression of my life and relationships with others.

    I would love to see my former captor gone, and I don't feel dependent on it. I'd like to do something constructive, too. I don't want to be heavily involved with WT stuff my whole life as time has already been wasted on it, but helping out with a project would be something I'd consider.

    As I posted in the thread you mentioned, designing a brief informational leaflet for distribution to the public is something I'd love to do and might be a way to help people guard against indoctrination.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    There is a group that has figured it out:



  • Mutz

    Because people who have developed the ability to resist 'groupthink' and authoritarian control carry that over into the rest of their lives and tend to be more sceptical and resistant to being told what they should and should not think or do.

  • IP_SEC

    Bring down the wts? why? dont really care what they do. you are free to join and free to leave them whenever you want.

    There are monsters to slay in this world waaaaayyyy worse than the wts.

    There are a lot of things I want to do with what are left of my days. wasting a spit of time on the wts isnt one of them. Selfish? ya... nahhh...

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks for your replies. The resistance to authority thing makes sense. I wasn't pointing fingers, I just wondered whether other people had the same resistance to group think that I do.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    you are free to join and free to leave them whenever you want.

    Ha ha, I think a few thousand people here may differ with you on that one.

  • OnTheWayOut
    OTWO said this on the "suing the tower" thread.

    No credit please. I don't have the name, but I stole that saying from another.
    There's even a youtube of cat-herders.

    Most faders cannot see themselves in an active anti-JW role.
    Many others are either bitter or at peace, so they would have a different
    goal as to what they would like to do.

    I can't imagine going to my local hall and marching with a protest sign.
    I think it would just convince the dubs there that I was under Satan's spell.
    Others can't imagine why they should not march with the sign.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I can't imagine going to my local hall and marching with a protest sign.I think it would just convince the dubs there that I was under Satan's spell.
    Others can't imagine why they should not march with the sign.

    OTWO, I feel the same way as you. It would be completely ineffective and not something I would be interested in doing.

    I have noticed that others are getting involved in other ways which I believe would be more relevant. The UK charity commission thread recently is a good example.

  • noni1974

    Some of us still have family in. I do. If I activley helped try to bring down the tower it would be like killing my mother myself. She had Bi Polar Disorder and has a very slim grasp of reality now. If I took away the only thing that helps her feel good I would be a really unloving and mean daughter. She was a born in too and I really think the only thing she has left is her belief she will someday see her mother and father and brothers and sister who have all passed away again. I'm ok with her being a JW because I think she is one of those people who needs that religion to stay sane. I sure I'm not the only one who thinks like this.

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