Educating yourself means you'll have more confidence in yourself and why would they want that? The oppty to bash and beat you up at every meeting or assembly is priceless. You can run around trying to do better and find out you're still missing the mark. Besides, you would have an open mind and really start to think for yourself. Heaven forbid that!
why do jw look down on someone going to college?
by jetery 23 Replies latest jw friends
No one can tell another man what to do... you complied! Just as many of you chose to not speak out publicly and continue to victimize yourselves today, you chose to let fools make you a victim years ago-I doubt many of you will ever change, many of you are the same as you were then.
The reason this same conversation is being had today, is the same reason it'll be here tomorrow, there is no unified front willing to defeat the enemy before you now. Now you sit there looking back on your lives, feeling regret that you were too afraid to do what you wanted then, many of you will continue to bitch and moan all without doing anything about it. The youth in this so called religion will suffer as a result... fear, that's what kept you from completing your degrees and/or many other things you really wanted.
MOST of you are too afraid to tell the ones you love your real feelings, you owe them and yourselves better. It's this fear that ruins lives, and the fact this fear keeps us that know better from uniting and destroying this enemy, that's is what sickens me the most. -
The WTS is a hierarchy, similar to a pyramid.
The largest size is it's base sometimes referred to as "Watchtower Witnesses", those who's ambitions never grow beyond their territory
Much like in all societies, there has to be a labor class. The model of keep'em stupid and hungry has been used countless time through out the ages with great success. You will notice the higer on the class scale the better educated. For those who show potential for breaking the mold you can either initiate them further by alleged privileges of perceived power and information. If this doesn't work you kick them out.
Less education leads to higher instances of poverty which keep the sheeple putting their only hope in the organization's message rather then themselves. To make sure of this the organization paint self-improvement through education as immoral, unnecessary, selfish and alienation from God.
Awakened at Gilead
MOST of you are too afraid to tell the ones you love your real feelings, you owe them and yourselves better. It's this fear that ruins lives, and the fact this fear keeps us that know better from uniting and destroying this enemy, that's is what sickens me the most.
Dawg: I think we should start a thread about this...(don't want to hijack this one)... It seems like the consensus on this board is to be overly cautious and not tell your loved ones how you feel. I've been warned to slow down and not be as bold as I am in speaking to my family and others. My stance seems to throw some JWDers for a loop....