I so agree with you VoidEater about the lack of any feeling of worship at the meetings. It just seemed to be a rote 'school like' setting; even the songs did not impart any reverential feeling in me.
I've come to love the abundant decorations in churches of every stripe - to me the artwork and displays are representations as an expression of gratitude for the bounteous richness the Almighty has bestowed upon this planet, and so I value visiting any 'religious' buildings in my travels
I also want to begin to volunteer in some way in helping those less fortunate than myself and my family. I haven't found my niche yet, but believe my 'passion' will soon manifest itself, now that the shackles on the expression of my innermost being have been thrown off.
Worship is NOT about taking in knowledge, that's one thing I know for sure. Ok, now I have something to put in that other thread about knowing what I know....