demons, spirit creatures

by megaflower 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974
    Before I was baptized I was going with a "worldly" girl who's aunt was a white witch. She taught her spells and other such things. One night I had to flee for my life, because I came into her apartment and found her being raped and sodomized by an unseen entitiy. So to me these demons are real. I have a tremendous amount of respect for them and stay outta their way.

    As a practicing Druid and having a somewhat broadbased knowledge of the occult and things esoteric I am quite sceptical about your account and would like to hear about what you did 'actually' see.

    Secondly knowing numerous practicing pagans some of them 'white witches' (for want of a better expression). I know they are bound by their crede 'And it harm none, Do as ye will' which broadly means, 'do whatever you want to do but harm none.' Most 'white witches' believe in the law of three or something similar which means that whatever you do whether magical or mundane will return back to you (which is something similar to the biblical concept to 'reaping what you sow').In light of these maxims I have to point out that the majority of practicing witches are good people who would not dream of harming anyone unless there was a very good reason (and even then in the last resort). They do not concern themselves with demons or satan (mostly because they do not believe in either given they are a Christian construct) and neither would they concern themselves with summoning up such negative beings. It doesnt form part of their practice.

    So in light of all this I have difficulty in linking your experiences to the Aunt you describe and advise perhaps that you should look elsewhere for your explanation.

    Notwithstanding this, I have to suggest that perhaps your explanation would lie more in the physical as opposed to the spiritual - sometimes the mind doesnt allow us to see what might cause us distress or pain and I would suggest getting some professional advice about this experience.

    Gary /|\

  • rache31

    Ok, maybe I'm really out of touch...I just need to know how someone knows that another person is being raped if they don't actually see the perpetrator? On a side note, I strongly believe that our minds can convince us that we saw or heard things. I don't doubt something else being in this universe besides humans but I think witnesses spread fear. I don't feel afraid like I used to when I went to the hall. Now I'm at times a little curious but all in all just living with respect for seen and unseen life.

  • Quirky1

    I'm a demon.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I have yet to experience any sentient unseen beings.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm with diamondblue on this one. I'm studying Wicca and it has absolutely nothing to do with demons, the devil, or negative energies (unless you are conjuring up positive energies to counter the negative attitudes of yourself or others).

    That experience with demon rape is bogus. Any of the stories I've ever heard about demons raping someone was always by someone I never knew. It was always in Africa, too. All of the demonic things happened in Africa, so all those stories go according to the yearbooks through the years.

  • Hope4Others

    "Never under estimate the power of the demons"

    It has been said.


  • diamondblue1974
    I'm studying Wicca and it has absolutely nothing to do with demons, the devil, or negative energies (unless you are conjuring up positive energies to counter the negative attitudes of yourself or others).

    Its refreshing to see more fellow pagans!

    How are your studies coming along - are you part of a coven or do you practice solitary?


    PS: My partner Sirona also is pagan and was for about 2/3 years part of a Coven - no doubt you can share experiences.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    your PS3 is full of demons, but you need a HDMI cable to be fully influenced.

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