I've taken Witness assumptions and guesses so far apart, thread by thread, that the Witness was standing there in their spiritual shorts and they still stuck to their fantasy like a 4 year old kid sticks to Santa Clause. One Witness said: "Even if it was all a lie, it's still the best way to live. I couldn't of had a better life.".
It's not about reasonable, or right, or even truth, it's about avoidance and comfort. That which I can deny, I don't have to deal with. Witnessism is more of a culture than a religion. It is a society, a society unto it's own, where success is failure, where smart is dumb, where the obvious is deniable by mutual agreement, and where the unqualified quickly rise to the top. Unbelievable is the norm and failure is proof of right. It's the ultimate inversion of intellect.
I'd much rather try to reason with a drunk than a believing Witness.