Can anyone tell me why Dubs dont do Mother's Day

by Princess Daisy Boo 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    It is Mother's Day on Sunday and I cant for the life of me remember why the dubs dont do this one?

  • sweetface2233

    Cause it's fun and shows that you care about someone. We all know that JWs will find a way to suck the fun out of anything!

    Seriously, I don't have a WT article or anything to quote, but I just remember being told that it was compared to idolatry, like birthdays. Just run of the mill BS to keep JWs separate from the world.

  • heathen

    Yah idolotry that figures ,like you can't find in the bible anywhere to honor your father and mother , no sireeeee nothing there that fits the bill .

  • diamondblue1974

    Primarily the celebration of Mothers Day or Mothering Sunday has links with Goddess worship. Before Christianity began its oppression of women and their role in religious society women were reverred particularly because of their ability to become mothers. It would become a national holiday some time later.

    This is but one reason why Jehovahs Witnesses do not observe mothering sunday but there is also the stupid idea that suggests that to honour ones Mother even in a non religious sense, is idolatry.


  • jwfacts

    Yearbook 1975 p.147 "Next, birthday celebrations and Mother’s Day were discarded—more creature worship. Sister Lilian Kammerud recalls: “How readily the brothers all dropped these holidays and admitted they were glad to be free. New truths always make us happy and . . . we felt we were privileged to know things that others were ignorant about.””

    *** g74 2/8 p. 28 Are They Harmless Observances? ***

    But what of Mother’s Day? ‘Surely it does not have roots in ancient paganism,’ someone may say. ‘Does not the Bible command children to “honor their father and mother”?’ Yes, the Bible does command children to honor, obey and respect their parents. (Eph. 6:1, 2) But nowhere does it advocate the commemoration of a special ‘Mother’s Day.’ On the origin of such observance, the Encyclopædia Britannica (1959 edition) states:

    “A festival derived from the custom of mother worship in ancient Greece. Formal mother worship, with ceremonies to Cybele, or Rhea, the Great Mother of the Gods, were performed on the Ides of March throughout Asia Minor.”

    Regarding the adoption of Mother’s Day in the United States, the New York Times of May 10, 1953, reported:

    “In spite of the popularity of Cybele, . . . and sporadic occasions honoring mothers during the Middle Ages, it was not until 1914 that the proper combination of sentimentality, idealistic promotion and hard business sense impelled the United States Congress to designate the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day.”

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have good times with their families and friends. But they do not participate in holidays and celebrations that are linked with pagan gods (as is true of such holidays as Easter, New Year’s Day, May Day, and Mother’s Day). (2 Cor. 6:14-17) Like the early Christians, they do not even celebrate birthdays. They also respectfully refrain from sharing in national holidays that memorialize political or military events and refrain from giving worshipful honor to national heroes. Why? Because Jehovah’s Witnesses are no part of the world.

  • sass_my_frass

    It's going to be awesome when WBTS starts referencing Wikipedia.

  • Gopher

    The WTS likes to build up an artificial wall between its members and outsiders. The directive to not celebrate Mother's day is (all in all) just another brick in the wall!

    Besides, some mothers might be "worldly". You don't want to encourage holiday association with worldly relatives, even if they're your own mother. Remember, in Luke 14:26 Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters-yes, even his own life-he cannot be my disciple."

  • momzcrazy

    Growing up my dad always said that everyday should be mothers day. Yeah, right. And she said something about not coming over on Sunday because it was also Mothers Day, in addition to my daughter's Bday. Like we were going to honor her on Sunday!


  • shopaholic

    Wasn't there info lately about if a holiday is no longer viewed as being pagan or associated with pagan worship then its a personal choice? Most dubs today don't celebrate Mother's Day because its was forbidden in the past.

    There hasn't been any recent info on the holiday but based on the principles in more recent articles, participating in this holiday really is a personal choice although the robots in the local congregations may say otherwise. Truth is, most JWs don't read their own literature. They just do whatever the BOE and pioneers tell them to do.

  • Rev1212

    Yeah, like I really want my ungrateful kids to honor me one whole day a year with a stale box of chocolates and a greasy meal at Red Lobster. Then I suppose the other 364 days they can feel justified in being disrespectful and rude to me because they "honored" me on that one day.


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