It is interesting that the pedophile scandal among JWs is broadening. For example, you will notice recent postings that show the crisis has popped into the limelight in Finland and Brazil. It first hit the internet and papers in the U.S., then Canada, Europe and Australia, but not is showing up in South America. I once saw statistics showing for and those indicated many people viewing the site were from the Carribean and South America. If I remember right the main places were Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Chile.
Any comments on this would be appreciated. Are you noticing the expansion of the crisis? The number and percent of pedophiles among elders and ministerials servants have increased since 1972 when the Society said the BOEs need not delete them if when they confessed several years had passed since the pedophilia and they still enjoyed Jehovah's blessing.
The consequence hit hardest first in the U.S., but keeps reacing crisis stage in one other land then then still another. I predict in a year or two we'll be seeing more posts about JW kids being molested coming from out of Africa as well as Latin America.