journey_on : Yes, I think dreams can help you find solutions and insight into certain things you've been contemplating
i find that to be very that appear in dreams seem so elegant
by Rapunzel 22 Replies latest jw friends
journey_on : Yes, I think dreams can help you find solutions and insight into certain things you've been contemplating
i find that to be very that appear in dreams seem so elegant
In my list of questions in my first post, I forgot to mention the ability that some people have [or profess to have] - that of lucid dreaming. This term refers to the ability that some people have to somehow consciously alter the direction or flow of their dream as they are dreaming. To use a [very poor] metaphoric analogy, it is as if, while dreaming, they were watching television. If they did not like the channel that they are watching [if their dream displeases or frightens them], they can "switch channels" and re-direct their dream to something more suitable.
I think, for the most part, dreams consist simply of random neuron "firings" or discharges - random neuronal pulses. Since the human mind abhors randomness, the mind/brain seeks to "make sense" of these neuron pulses. The brain/mind seeks to impose a pattern or an order on these pulses. The result is dreaming. I do know that dreaming and R.E.M sleep is crucial tin sustaining the living human organism. If humans are deprived of R.E.M. sleep, they soon enter a psychotic state and are at risk of dying. Sleep deprivation is used as a form of torture.
Unfortunately, most of my dreams have turned to nightmares because of my current Truth crap and my attempted fade.
In my dream, I found myself in a supermarket - Carrefour - in Taiwan [This fact is not especially odd in itself because I lived and worked as a professor in Taiwan for about twenty years]. In my dream, I was simply walking in the aisles of a "Carrefour" supermarket in Taiwan [Yes, there are several Carrefours in Taiwan]. ...Carrefours is French for "crossroads."
I remember that, oddly enough, the "check-out" person was a black guy. He started writing in Chinese, and I asked him: "Oh! When did you learn to write Chinese?" When I payed my money, and he returned the cash to me, I noticed that the money was American cash.My lord! You get American money - currency you can use in waking life (Wait, strike that, you're Canadian, aren't you?) from the black man at the crossroads!
As you'll find on the link above, the "black man at the crossroads" is a magical teacher of skill and wisdom. His writing Chinese while you watch is a demonstration of that. Even if you know Chinese now, this might be an offer to teach you something you want to know.
Upon noticing his, I said: "Now I am sure this is a dream because you're giving me my change in American currency, and that could never happen in Taiwan." Finally, I said good-bye to the guy and told him: "It was nice meeting you, even though I know this is just a dream and you're not real!"
Well, there's reality, and then there's the other reality. I know you don't believe in intangibles other than, like, love and gravity, but this is a classic spiritual/magical dream.
gently feral
My dreams have become much more powerful since leaving jws. Always in colour, and sometimes smells. Some dreams have had profound effects on me, others are just emptying the subconscious garbage can. At one stage I was terrified of some of the images, now I have learned to observe and sit with the feelings raised. Sometimes I wake laughing in pure joy, others more sombre, especially when they have my children in them. Recently, I spoke to my son after a particularly strong dream involving his emotional state and all he could say was you must be psychic. Generally I try not to dig too deep for a "sign" but to just enjoy the trip!
Sometimes I remember my dreams, I've heard it said that it is your subconscious mind 'thinking' and manifesting itself as a dream. Personally though I think that your dreams are random collections of thoughts and images all moving around inside your remarkable brain. Dreams can be like seeing 'pictures' in the clouds, if you look at the sky you can see just about anything/interpret anything that you want to but really they are just clouds. just my thoughts :)
I once had this dream - I was dancing on the streetcorner with a jackhammer up my ass - now that was either a sex dream or I need more fiber in my diet. If any of this is turning you on, just let me know. (Tom Hanks, Punchline 1988)
I keep a dream journal, I dream in color, most people are said to dream in black and white. I try to remember key things, numbers of things, colors etc.
Learning the meanings to dreams I find exciting.
I can usually remember my dreams. They are usually pretty good, better than anything hollywood can do. :) If I have a dream which ends badly I sometimes have the same dream a few months later and change the ending to make it a happy one.
I used to work on difficult calculus problems late at night, give up, go to bed, and then work the problem in my dream -- arriving at the right answer! When I got up in the morning, I wrote it down ;-)
Our dreams allow our minds to work in a way that they may not be able to when we are dealing with the distractions of the daytime.