What is there to go back to if everything that made it what it was no longer exists? I think that this is the crux of the matter. Some change is acceptable in virtually all situations. People expect it to a degree. Too much change too quickly, however, is dangerous. It can have adverse effects. Change will come but it will come slowly. There was mention made of leaders and that is one area in which the WTS has found itself lacking in the last few years. Perhaps there is another Rutherford lurking around out there ready to jump up and take the reins!
-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-
This is a very interesting discussion on the Catholic Church. For those of you who are interested in what the Catholic Church current teaches on any subject, I highly recommend buying a copy of "The Catechism of the Catholic Church". It is an interesting read. There is a lot of confusion on what the Catholic church *really* teaches. I think this is because it is sooooo large. You can get a copy of this Catechism at Barnes and Noble.
Also, there are some very good books written by Professor Scott Hahn who is a Biblical theology professor at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. He was once a Presbyterian Pastor who converted to the Catholic church. His book on the Old Testament "A Father Who Keeps His Promises" is very good and very biblical in my opinion.
Pathofthorns: I think there are many more similarities between the catholic church and Witnesses than we realized, despite our insisting how radically different we were.
Actually, I am working on an article, well it started out as an article, now it's a thesis [lol] called The Third Babylon and you wouldn't believe the similiarities between the RCC and the WTS, friends the Vatican is in Brooklyn.
One of the funny quotes I have is the RCC referring to themselves as as the "Mother Church." Yet how many of your old timers remember the Society saying "if Jehovah is our heavenly Father then his organization is our Mother." Scary eh?