Our daughter is graduating from High School in a couple of weeks. My wife and I resigned from the congregation five years ago. We have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade. While none of my extended family are JW's, my wife's side is comprised of two parents and 7 siblings, and generations of aunts, uncles, cousins who are still active JW's. My wife's father is disfellowshiped and has went to Alaska fishing instead of attending his Grand Daughter's graduation. (He still adheres to the witness doctrine) There have been no cards, no nothing. While we were not expecting much response to this event from these people, it none the less shows what shells of human beings witnesses are. To think that my wife and I were much the same kind of heartless beings a few years ago is disturbing. Our daughter is an only child. She recieved serveral thousand dollars tonight in college scholorships at awards night. We are proud of her and thankful that we are free of Jehovah's Witnesses. It goes to show you how brainwashed and shallow JW's really are. What has our lovely daughter done so wrong that she too is shunned? She has really never known the witness way of life, not been baptized, or even ever associated with JW's, yet she is an outcast because of her who her parents are. Witnesses spend there whole lives claiming to be spiritual humanitarians to the worlds millions of people, and yet they really don't have clue what being a decent human being is about.
JW's-mearly shells of human beings-Won't attend High School Graduation
by Thechickennest 17 Replies latest social family
Very sad, it also upsets me to think I would have behaved that way a few years ago. The Watchtower explains God's sense of justice is that children share in the sins of their parents and so deserve destruction. Reasoning from the Scriptures pp.47-48 "What will happen to young children at Armageddon? The Bible does not directly answer that question, and we are not the judges. However, the Bible does show that God views the young children of true Christians as "holy." (1 Cor. 7:14) It also reveals that in times past when God destroyed the wicked he likewise destroyed their little ones."
jwfacts: "Watchtower Justice" I think that says it all. I too remember the reasoning on this issue and the Reasoning Book. It just defies what is reasonable and what is good. Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. It helps remind me how dangerous JW's can be.
Our daughter is graduating from High School in a couple of weeks. My wife and I resigned from the congregation five years ago. We have not attended meetings since my daughter was in the third grade. While none of my extended family are JW's, my wife's side is comprised of two parents and 7 siblings, and generations of aunts, uncles, cousins who are still active JW's. My wife's father is disfellowshiped and has went to Alaska fishing instead of attending his Grand Daughter's graduation. (He still adheres to the witness doctrine) There have been no cards, no nothing. While we were not expecting much response to this event from these people, it none the less shows what shells of human beings witnesses are. To think that my wife and I were much the same kind of heartless beings a few years ago is disturbing. Our daughter is an only child. She recieved serveral thousand dollars tonight in college scholorships at awards night. We are proud of her and thankful that we are free of Jehovah's Witnesses. It goes to show you how brainwashed and shallow JW's really are. What has our lovely daughter done so wrong that she too is shunned? She has really never known the witness way of life, not been baptized, or even ever associated with JW's, yet she is an outcast because of her who her parents are. Witnesses spend there whole lives claiming to be spiritual humanitarians to the worlds millions of people, and yet they really don't have clue what being a decent human being is about.
Indeed, and the Light Grows Brighter Still! Bring_the_Light
It just defies what is reasonable and what is good.
Well, if you really think about it, if the God of the Bible exists, he most probably is a pretty major asshole viewed though our imperfect eyes. "Smoking some kids 'cause their mommy and daddy need to get smoked? - kinda asshole?, all things considered, it isn't much of a stretch......
As a pretty deep Agnostic, one of my issues is what happens if god exists, and I just don't fucking like him? THEN we'd be pretty happy to let the Athiests have their way. There are worse things than not knowing.
mind my own
So very true! It sickens me that I once held a similar viewpoint for those that weren't JW's...I am thankful I seen the light!
Sorry for your pain, you are among friends.
Agreed. Your candor is superb!
wha happened?
although at the time I was a non JW, I didn't attend because I was a punker and I thought it cool to blow it off
The Chickenest- I agree with everything you say. The witnesses really don't know how to be decent human beings to others - especially outside their cult. It is like their being " nice " to someone is conditional on the person being a Jehovah's Witness. It is bizarre
JW's make enemies constantly through their words and actions. You'd think they'd come to congratulate her, and at least try to make a good impression on her. But they're afraid of spiritual contamination from you & your wife.
Well your daughter will carry on fine without JW's in her life. She just gained an object lesson about the kind of people they really are. She's gotten Witness-proofed, and that's probably a very good thing.
Congratulations for her graduation and on those scholarships. It sounds like she has a very bright future.