I dont see my son very often. He is 18 and graduating at the end of May. Entrenched as a JW but still he wants me to attend his graduation even though im "apostate"...(he loves me...) But what do i get him ...just money? ...any ideas.Its not like I can arrange a Limo for him ..he lives in the OHIO near Dayton and im in Canada. Im not sure what to get him. Id very much appreciate some ideas since the only thing i can think of is money...
Unsure what to give my son for his graduation present? any ideas?
by chrisjoel 21 Replies latest jw friends
well, money is always useful. Graduates usually need money for a variety of things - it always comes in handy. Give him some money and a personal item to keep. People used to give graduates watches, but I don't know if they still do. Give him something he can look at 50 years from now and say, "my dad gave that to me." A gold coin? A money clip? What's a luxurious little something that a man would like to see on his dresser?
by the way, my advice is probably worthless as I have no children, and don't really know what guys like. I always got my husband cashmere sweaters - he liked those no matter how often he got one.
John Doe
Get him a rifle or a nice knife. :-)
You are very lucky to be invited. My 18 year old is graduating this month as well. Give him a nice portrait of you. Give him a big hug from all of us, because we are all going to send out a very positive energy field that is going to release him from the bonds of the JW's.... A Gift? A laptop, ipod, a gift certificate to a nice bookstore, or amazon.com, Get a nice big thick book by the author-Ray Franz. Hang on to it for him for now. He will be needing later when he is older and wiser....because, "the acorn does not fall from the tree".
Thanks for the suggestions....Ive made up my mind and im going with the rifle....jk....
Ive made up my mind and im going with the rifle
Since you're going through customs, might want to check with them first.
White Dove
Ooooo nice choice! Get a big Swiss Army knife to go with that rifle and that will be the perfect gift! A hunter usually needs a good knife.
Yeah thanks guys! I was Just Kidding about the rifle of course!!!
White Dove
Oh, OK. We don't joke about guns and knives in my family. Everyone has them.
Open mind
*edited* I first posted some photos from this site, but then figured it might be a copyright problem. So here's a link:
I guess one of these hideous JW litterature bags would be OK as long as you got him a Ray Franz book to hide inside.
Seriously, though ipods are great. Does he have a cell phone? You could buy him a pre-paid one with some air time.