The resurrection has started!

by dmouse 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Official statistics from Jan 1, 2002 Watchtower.

    Memorial partakers 2000: 8,661
    Memorial partakers 2001: 8,730


  • Thirdson

    Hi Dmouse,

    This is good news for the WTS. Afterall, a remnant of the annointed is expected to survive Armageddon. This means that the end, though soon, is not as soon as thought last year and hence the WTS can buy some more time.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Celia

    Very funny.
    Their teaching about the 144,000 and the "remnant" is one of the funniest of all, I think, or is it the saddest ?

  • target

    Actually, the teaching about some of the remnant surviving was changed with "new light" quite some time back. Now the teaching is that they all have to be in Heaven for the marriage of the lamb to take place BEFORE Armageddon. But you never know, it could be changed again. You need a score board to keep track of all the changes. I know a few "Annointed" ones who became annointed in recent years. They are women who have bad marriages and don't have scriptual grounds for divorce and can't picture living forever with their marriage mate. They are on antidepressants and tanquilizers and going to Heaven is the longed for escape.


  • Fredhall

    Where is Moses?

  • Thirdson

    Hey Target,

    Would you provide some references for the 144,000 now supposed to be in heaven before the big A. I thought this had flip-flopped a few times. Even so, the fact that the anointed are still around means the end is further off.

    The other problem about the anointed is "who controls the organization?" The Watchtower has hinted that the GB may eventually (soon in a sooner sense?) be members of the other sheep. But will the 8700 anointed complain if that happens and they don't get interviews for the top jobs?


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • target

    Third Son:
    I have only be out of the organization since January so most stuff is pretty fresh in my mind. It has been several years since that 'new light'. I know it was a Watchtower study article. I no longer have my CD ROM installed on my computer to look it up. I am sure of the information, though. The article was all about the marriage of the lamb and how it couldn't take place if all of the 'bride' weren't there yet. In the time sequence, the marriage happens before Armageddon.


  • dmouse

    When the society realised that Armageddon wasn't going to come within the lifetime of those born in 1914 they had to do a quick re-think, and re-interpret the word 'generation'. At that time they said that they would no longer be setting dates or time limits for the time of the end.

    However, the new understanding of the word 'generation' could stretch the 'time of the end' out indefinitely. Plummeting field service and meeting attendance gave the society the message that JW's just won't work as hard without the threat of imminent destruction.

    So, time for the society to fall back to plan B. Reading my wife's assembly notes from this summer informs me that the society is plugging Matthew 24:22: that 'those days' (the tribulation) will be 'cut short on account of the chosen ones.' This means that, according to the Witnesses, Armageddon MUST come while some of the anointed are still alive.
    It appears that great play was made at the assembly about the fact that most of the remnant are now very old; so Armageddon is once again put inside a time frame when it MUST occur: within the lifetime of very old anointed ones.

    I wonder what will happen when the society is forced, by the demise of the remnant, to admit it's made another cock-up. On the other hand, they may just be planning to continually draft in new anointed ones. Most JW's wouldn't notice the fact that the number of memorial partakers in the last ten years hasn't changed substantially, (perhaps they've already been granted immortality!) actually rising in some years, as it has this year.

    We will have to wait and see which tack they eventually take. It still surprises me, even after everything I've seen the witnesses swallow, how the society continually get away with it.


  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    It seems strange to me that in 1935 the full number of the 144,000 were supposed to be filled, and the ones from that time were other sheep who didn't have a heavenly anointing. There were only to be replacements for the unfaithful. If that were true how could the number increase??

    Ken P.

  • target

    One of the 'Annointed' that I know is in her 50s. Another is in her 40s. There are others I know of in that age range also. Yep, the replacements keep showing up.


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