Do You Really Like/Love Who You Are?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    I am liking myself more. I can be the person I like being. Rather than a Watchtower clone. I can dress with my own style, read what appeals to me, speak as I am impelled to speak. Yes, Now I can really be who appeals to me. I hope to really love who I am.

    xxx Strawberry Cake

  • myelaine

    no...I can be a bit lippy and contentious with my bf...but he realizes that's part of my charm......personally I would like to be more like Sarah who served quietly in the tent of Abraham...I'm thinkin Abraham was, all around, much more "mature" than my guy tho...

    love michelle

  • minimus

    Michelle, remember, Abraham impregnated Sarah too.

  • lonelysheep

    Aww. Love you, too.

  • Twitch

    Yea, I like myself. Should take better care of self tho; I run fast and loose.

    If ppl don't like to be around me, that's cool; they can leave. It's a two way street,..... :)

  • myelaine

    dear minimus...

    I don't know what your point is, but there's nothing wrong with Abraham chasing Sarah around the tent......I sure wouldn't be giving the guy a chick tho! ...that idea totally doesn't fly with me....I'd be like, "thanks for the tent and half your sheep, Abraham, it's been swell."

    love michelle

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm finally finding that self-esteem that eluded me for so long. I absolutely adore what I'm becoming! Being totally in charge and 100% responsible for my actions and not depending on a group of people and my jw family to tell me what to do and when helped me grow up in my own way. I call the shots of my life now. It has made such a difference!

    I'm working on my weaknesses and letting myself be wrong and make mistakes so I can learn from them. No one is around to tell me not to do this or that because it is bad for me. I do it and learn for myself if it is bad for me or not. I'm learning to trust myself. I'm a much better friend and mother for all of this.

    I am a terrible daughter, though, as 1/2 of my family is jw.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh, and yes, people do enjoy being around me. My problem is that I don't like being around other who are socially inept because that was me before I left the org. I don't think many people enjoy being around socially inept people. They are no fun. Oh, and I'm also a fun drunk and so are my friends:)

  • lfcviking

    I'm a lot more happy with myself since i've left the Borg. I feel more confident, independent & wiser.

  • llbh

    Yes i am . much happier being the person i was before i joined the wts. Being able to read and associate with people who enjoy my company for what i am rather than because of any religion i may have.


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