My JW wife is a FUN KILLER!!! My ex- wife JW wife was................

by oompa 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    IP-SEC, I think I know what you are not saying and it is probably just as well.

  • flipper

    OOMPA- My ex-wife I was with 19 years( fanatic JW ) threw out my VHS taping of Jaws because she thought it would damage my teenagers. She did it without my knowledge. After the divorce- I bought the 25 year anniversary DVD edition ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Hortensia

    I think it's very seductive to the psyche to feel free to judge and condemn others. My mother never hesitated to criticize others to their faces, doing her Christian duty to bring everyone down. It's a culture that rewards kill-joys. I was one myself. Now I can see what a drag that was...and I found out I could let loose and be fun, once I got out of the JW mindset.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My jw husband was the fun killer. He's the one who told me not to wear the short see through black nighty my sister bought for me and wear "long respectable gowns", in the first days after our wedding. I cringed. That cemented the suspicions that I had made a huge mistake in marrying him.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Oompa, you sound like you've had afew drinks ....go have a lie down....I know what it's like............also my wife has always been the worst kill joy in the universe....I call her the devil's mistress.

  • chikikie

    cure for a Jw that kills fun = get them to dance nude in the garden! (might have to get em steaming drunk first!) works everytime, reformed!

  • oompa
    FHN: My jw husband was the fun killer. He's the one who told me not to wear the short see through black nighty my sister bought for me and wear "long respectable gowns", in the first days after our wedding. I cringed. That cemented the suspicions that I had made a huge mistake in marrying him.

    OMG! That is BEYOND fun killer.....that is just INSANE!!!................oompa

  • FlyingHighNow
    FHN: My jw husband was the fun killer. He's the one who told me not to wear the short see through black nighty my sister bought for me and wear "long respectable gowns", in the first days after our wedding. I cringed. That cemented the suspicions that I had made a huge mistake in marrying him.
    OMG! That is BEYOND fun killer.....that is just INSANE!!!................oompa

    Yes. When he finally carried through with his threats to divorce me, many years later, I did not put up a fight. I hired a lawyer. A man who has been raised as a JW doesn't mix well with a lady who was raised as an Episcopalian.

  • sspo

    My ex-wife of 26 years definetely was. So brainwashed by the GB that when we had our family study with our 3 kids, we could not have a drink on the table because that would be showing disrespect to jehovah.

    How in the hell did she come up with that? Well, thats how it was portrayed in the literature from the society.

    Of course the literature was " a letter from God ".

    No wonder she left me when i told her that all the doctrines were nothing but lies and the GB was full of crap.

  • JK666


    I had a nickname for my last ex-JW wife:

    "The Black Hole of Fun"


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