06-01-08 WT Why God Saved Noah
by karvel 30 Replies latest watchtower bible
Looks like this is where they got the info on the 2000 ft wall of water (in QFR.) Not sure what it has to do with the flood. This wall of water happened roughly 15,000 years ago and started in the Idaho panhandle.
Thanks, karvel!
~Sue -
If Noah was a mythical figure and the global flood a fable, the warnings of Peter and Jesus for those living in the last days would be meaningless. Instead of serving as a warning such ideas would befuddle a person's spriritual senses.....
No shit Sherlock....out of their own mouths...circular reasoning through and through the article....
I will guarantee you that the geologic "proof" they cite is taken completely out of context. The geologic record disproves rather than proves the Deluge fable.
....and while I am venting it is the subjunctive mood so it should be, "If Noah were....."
Oh they soooooooooooooooo piss me off.
Cheers (okay I am calmer now),
Sounds like we have to believe that after this "global flood" 4000 years ago, all civilization ended and restarted with eight people and these eight people became moved to all points of the earth to become different races and have different languages. No wait that didn't happen until after the tower of babal was built and God confused the languages. Wow we really have to streach logic to buy all of this. Then where did the water come from, oh it was in the atmosphere above us already so all that water pressure was in the air and it came down and covered the earth and then the some of the ground pushed up to become mountains and all the animals started to change their stripes IE: which came first the zebra or the horse, did the lepord start off as a Jaguar and loose it's black in some areas or did the Jaguar start off as a lepord and the spots filled in. What canine came first, what about the land dwelling insects did noah collect them too, what about the birds what family did they come from were there only one pair of one kind. and how did noah keep them from flying away what kind of snake did he have on the ark how about rodents which ones etc. etc. etc. It doesn't make sense and never will. It's a great tale but I can't buy it for fact.
Anybody notice the box the Nephilim may have been the basis for ancient Legends?
So yeah, Noah's familiy was the last faithful family on earth, became the last actual family on earth, then they made up a bunch of shit such as Zeus, etc.
Awakened at Gilead
I wonder how they get away with not citing their sources... They always say "scientists say..." or the like but they never give names or references. As we learned at college, citing sources is important so that readers can confirm the scholarliness and the veracity of the references... Of course, the WTS might not want its readers to check out the context of what they frequently cite out of context...hmmm..
the WTS might not want its readers to check out the context of what they frequently cite out of context...hmmm..
Dooooooooo ya' think????
did you notice the hooks in the first paragraph? longing for a peaceful world...god saved Noah, a good man, and his family...
rolling rock
You can read what Alan F has to say about the Flood hear. It's a good read and a vary useful site.