Besides weddings and anniversaries, do JW's celebrate life?

by truthseeker 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Today is Mother's Day, but not for the 7,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses out there.

    Next month is Father's Day but not for the 7,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses out there.

    The first Monday in September is Labor Day in the U.S. but 7,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses would rather labour in the preaching work.

    November 25 is Thanksgiving Day but 7,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses would rather do return visits and bother people who are giving thanks to God.

    Christ's Memorial happens once a year (or week) for many Christian denominations, but 6,991,000 Jehovah's Witnesses would rather observe a meal in progress instead of eat it.

    Every day someone has a birthday but 7,000,000 Jehovah's Witnesses would rather ignore their birthday and so something else.

    All year round people celebrate and attend college graduations but millions of Jehovah's Witnesses would only attend a high-school graduation.

    What exactly do Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate if anything? They have no zest for life, few hobbies and outside interests.

    A WT article a few years ago encouraged people to put their hobbies aside to simplify their life for Kingdom pursuits.

    Jehovah's Witnesses in my opinion, do not celebrate life. They continually look for bad news to justify their claim that the end is near. They see no joy in the present.

  • flipper

    TRUTHSEEKER- I agree with your take ! Very true that Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate life as they should in the here and now- the present. They are so occupied with looking to the future " fantasy " paradise that they never stop and smell the roses along the way. It is truly sad for them. I wonder some day in the future- 2020, 2030, or later and Armaggeddon hasn't come yet- will they look back with regret at their lives having been wasted ? I often wonder that

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    A WT article a few years ago encouraged people to put their hobbies aside to simplify their life for Kingdom pursuits.Jehovah's Witnesses in my opinion, do not celebrate life. They continually look for bad news to justify their claim that the end is near. They see no joy in the present.

    As a JW, I had no hobbies... I spent my weekends in service and at the meetings... what time for hobbies...This leads to a dull life, but it doesn't matter since we will live forever in a paradise earth and THEN we can have all the hobbies we want.

    So now I am learning to start having hobbies and have fun outside of JWs. Now I feel that I have a life...

  • MissingLink

    This is a common aspect of all cults. You have to devalue the current life. This one becomes worthless, only the next life matters. Since this life is worthless, you're not giving up anything by spending all of your time following the leaders orders.

  • Thechickennest

    Many witnesses celebrate on the days you mentioned, they call it not the holiday of that day, but " a time when it is conventient for everyone to get together. When I first studied with the witnesses, I did not go to the Thanksgiving Dinner my family was having. I did go to the presiding overseers house that day to get away from my "worldly" families pagen celebration. Guess what? We had a huge dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. It was not called Thanksgiving, but was in everyway the same. I was confused. I should of run the other way that day....but I spend another 25 years defending this confusion!

  • WTWizard

    All of which reminds me of a "special" day. While I was a witless, one of the hounders invited me to spend the night with his family. This was Christmas Eve, and the game plan was for me to go to his book study. We had a "goodie night" that evening, and then I went to bed there. Next morning, we were going to go out in field circus but were it not the father had to work because we got 5 inches of snow. They had some company from [country omitted so Brother Hounder will have guesswork] also spending the night there.

    Next morning. The big treat of the day was to visit the a$$embly Hell, and there wasn't even an a$$embly going on. We stopped to visit an empty Kingdumb Hell. I don't know what fascination they have with their own buildings, even when they are empty. And that was the "special day".

    What a fxxxing waste of a Christmas Day!

  • easyreader1970

    I agree. They discourage "time-consuming" hobbies and pursuits. This system is "lying in the power of the wicked one" and is soon(?) to be done away with. What present thing could there be worth striving for? There are no worthwhile goals here. This is what they teach and many of their subjects fall for it.

    I am glad to see that not all Witnesses fall for this, though. There are plenty that I know that will try to live this life to the full the best that they can, ignoring much of what the WBTS says about enjoying the present.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, they celebrate "the life that which is to come." They are dead now for a life later. Too risky, in my opinion.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    They have no zest for life, few hobbies and outside interests.

    I know a few jw's that are musicians. One in particular is mistreated by his wife for playing his music. I think she is a dumb bitch.

  • Mary

    I got my JW mother a lovely box of chocolates yesterday for Mothers Day. She loved it but of course said "well you know, you don't have to give a gift on just one particular day of the year".

    I said: "...Ya, tell that to dad next time your anniversary rolls around. Why does the Society have such a problem with Mother's Day or Father's Day?"

    Mom: "Well I guess it's because it's from pagan origin"

    Me: "Mom, half of what we do in life is based on 'pagan origin'. Your wedding ring is from pagan origin as is half of the wedding rituals. Why are Witnesses allowed to celebrate some pagan things, but not others?"

    Silence. Then, "well, ya I guess you've got a point there."


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