What's Your MAIN Reason For Not Believing In "The Truth"?

by minimus 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    By the way, have you guys seen this quote? Can't remember where I saw it or said it, but it is great.

    Trust those who are searching for the truth, mistrust those who have found it!!!!

  • Layla33

    Oh where does one start??

    The ding dong of Armaggedon coming. How many dates are they going to change before they get this thing right?

    The rewording of the Bible to fit their own ideology and lying to the masses regarding it.

    The UN situation, how do you sit and denounce an organization, that you are apart of?

    The constant and complete sexist hypocrisy towards women and the many many children that have been sexually assaulted but the organization turned a blind eye to it even using their indoctrination to force women and children into abusive situations. This is a big one for me, I know of far too many such situations.

    The blood issue is completely misunderstood and distorted, people have died unnecessarily because of it.

    Because it is a cult that breaks up families and life long friends on nothing more than a difference of opinion.

    I could go on, but these are the big ones.

  • leftbelow

    Minimus you are so right that is the great crime in all of it.

  • digderidoo

    It came as a complete shock to me when i found out on here that Jeruselem wasn't destroyed in 607BCE and that in fact JW's are the only ones who believe this. If there is one reason for me not to believe it's the truth then this would be it.


  • Terry

    Core reasons.

    Physics deals with what can be measured.

    Metaphysics deals with what cannot.

    We live in a world where we are subject to measurable phenomena. (i.e. the "real" world) Science is the best tool we've found for measuring and detailing how things "work" and making predictable the forces which impinge upon us.

    There is, however, another "world" which presses in upon all of us....

    The world of imagination!

    In this Metaphysical realm things are whatever somebody asserts they are without measurement, predictability or definable evidence.

    This is an exciting and mysterious puzzle and far more interesting than the mundane ordinariness of the "real" world.

    RELIGION, Metaphysics, the Supernatural are the balliwick of people who have a special connection to a "higher power". They know something we don't know!

    For a price (or an exchange of power or service) they will reveal to us this hidden knowledge!

    Priests, prophets, shaman, gurus, enlightened adepts, holy ones, etc. have their hand out...always. The price is your amazement, admiration, respect, obedience and money. (Some even require loyalty to the point of death.)

    Their hand is always out. Sometimes it is a beggar's open hand. Sometimes it is a fist. The shaman demands a price for revelation.

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave is simply one of millions of shaman who tap in to a "higher power" and reveal hidden secrets you and I can't possible know on our own. In exchange for our pledge of loyalty and obedience (even our own life if necessary) they will dole out wisdom and instruction under the banner of revealed TRUTH.

    Since TRUTH from the Metaphysical world cannot be measured (it is in that "other" world, remember) it is a slippery thing, indeed!

    But, wait!!

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave has made (again and again) an enormous miscalculation!

    They had the hubris to intrude into the real world with actual PREDICTIONS which could be tested for verifiable truth content!!

    This exposed their claims of contact with the "higher power" to testable, falsifiability!! OOPS!

    The most important errors came in the form of false predictions for when the End would come (Armageddon). How many times could this FDS make the same mistake and still have any credibility left to support claims of heavenly direction?

    Like the boy who cried WOLF, the Governing Body has lost credibility due to false alarms sounded ad nauseum (for gain in membership and high profile attention.)

    Secondly, they've had to admit to their errors publicly which were (horror of horrors!) stated in the NAME OF JEHOVAH!

    So what?

    So this...

    The very core duty and privilege of Jehovah's Witnesses is to magnify the NAME and credibility of Jehovah in the real world!!

    By speaking false predictions over and over and over in Jehovah's NAME they have proven themselves to be the opposite sort of witness to the world at large! THEIR TESTIMONY IS ONE OF NON-CREDIBILITY AS A GOD OF PROPHECY.

    This, therefore, logically means two things which are inescapable.

    1.Jehovah is not a god of prophecy and is inescapably a false god.

    2.Jehovah's Witnesses are false prophets, evil slaves and liars who must be ignored

    I've made my case and those are my reasons.

    How about you?

  • BizzyBee

    'Cause I can't handle the "TRUTH!"

  • M.J.

    I would reverse the question. What the hell reason is there FOR believing in it? It's unnatural to believe that kind of crap outside of a coordinated program of coercion.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Well, there are many reasons but I think it all comes down to one thing for me.

    They were never chosen by God in 1919. Their history as a religion shows that there is nothing divine or special about their movement, and that it is simply the outcome that can be expected from any new religious movement. They are just people coming up with some ideas. There is nothing special, supernatural, divine, or different about them that leads me to believe they are the 'one true faith'.

  • Finally-Free

    I couldn't accept that "god's only channel of communication to makind" thought it was okay to protect pedophiles.


  • easyreader1970

    What started me down the path was me actually reading a Bible. Not the JW Bible, but other Bibles. I downloaded a Bible program called eSword which basically is a program that contains many, many versions and translations of the Bible. I started researching and comparing different Bibles to the JW's own translation. Some of the JW changes are not justified. They're just put in to go along with their doctrine. They are subtle changes, however.

    Beyond that, though, I continued to read the Bible. The more I read it, the less it made sense. No God had a hand in writing it. It was men trying to promote their own ideals and their own concepts. The Yahweh deity was the war god of the Israelites. They had battles to fight and people to keep in line. You can't keep people in line with a fluffy poodle god as in the New Testament. You must have a fire and brimstone god to motivate (and by motivate I mean frighten) people into action.

    It occurred to me later that the Holy Bible really wasn't any different than most other religious texts. It's the most popular and certainly the most lengthy. But I don't believe that a god personally inspired its writing any more than I believe that there are flying unicorns in my back yard.

    Does that automatically make me an atheist? Not necessarily, but I do lean heavily towards that way. Right now I am pretty much content with the idea that I don't know the answers to some things and I never will. Can I function without knowing whether the Universe was created by what seems to be an impossible explosion or an impossible god? I think so.


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