This was written by Izzat Majeed, a Pakistani writer, with slight changes made by yours truly. The words ring so true with those changes in defining the intransigence of the WTS, though:
"We MuslimsJehovah's Witnesses cannot keep blaming the West Satan the Devil for all our ills...The embarrassment of wretchedness among us is beyond repair. It is not just the poverty, the illiteracy and the absence of any commonly accepted social contract that define our wretchedness; it is rather, the increasing awareness among us that we have failed as a civil society religious society by not confronting the historical, social and political demons within us...
"Without a reformation in the practice of Islam Jehovah's Witnesses that makes it move forward and not backward, there is no hope for us Muslims Jehovah's Witnesses anywhere. We have reduced Islam Jehovah's Witnesses to the organized hypocrisy of state-sponsored religious-sponsored mullahism Watchtowerism. For more than a thousand seventy-five years Islam our religion has stood still because of the mullahs Watchtower leadership, who became de facto clergy instead of genuine scholars...No one came forward with an evolving application of the message of the Holy Koran Bible. All that the Mullahs Governing Body tells you today is how to go back a millennium many milleniums...Oxford and Cambridge were the "madrasas" of Christendom in the 13th century. Look where they are today---among the leading institutions of education in the world. Where are our institutions of learning?"
"When in doubt, duck!"