Is the GB crooked or just misguided?

by easyreader1970 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    I ask myself this from time to time. Is the Governing Body operating seriously out of the belief that they are God's only channel to mankind? Or are they deliberately scamming people?

    I tell you, most of the time I am just not sure. Sometimes I think they are honest men who believe that what they are doing is right, even though it is negatively impacting the lives of millions of people. "In the end" everything will all be straightened out so they just go on giving forth laws from their Hall of Justice in Brooklyn.

    At other times some of the information they put out and some of the things that they ask their members to do seem so unrealistic that the requirements feel almost criminal.

    I read Franz's book. He seemed to feel that they were believers but so self-important and pig-headed that they didn't really look out for the little man. It was all about control.

    Just about every Study Edition of the Watchtower these days has at least a paragraph if not an entire article on being obedient. If the information doesn't make sense, be obedient. If the elders in your congregation are total retards, be obedient. Control, control, control.

    What are they up to, really?


  • mrsjones5

    Both. I just know it's both. I know there's others on this board who can explain it.

  • Alpaca


  • leftbelow

    Somebod really smart once said " Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely"

  • yknot

    Crooked........hard to deny many of us stay because we thought "I can make a difference". .."I can make a difference once Ted is dead in16 years"

    Entitled....... How many of us would be willing to toss aside a payoff on a lifetimes work on a conscience matter. (Hats off to Ray)

    Ease...........Medical, food, shelter, toiletries, clothing, transportation all paid, everything but a valet to wipe your ass.

    Ego.............You order and 6-7 million bow, you make an appearance to thousands of oohhs and aahhs. They applaud your every word.


  • AnneB

    GB lore quotes Dan Sydlik as saying that what WT needs to do is scrap their whole theology and start over. He knew that and continued to promote both doctine and traditions?

    If he thought it was God-made how could it be scrapped? If he thought it was man-made why didn't he walk away? That's not even the blind leading the blind, that's pure selfishness.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    When I was in Gilead, Losch gave a talk and after concluding, mentioned that there were a number of teachings that needed to be changed in WT pubs, but the time needed to be right... (Now I understand the translation - he didn't get a 2/3 vote yet).

    I think some of them are misguided, but others face the challenges that YKnot mentioned. Besides, they don't appoint real people on the GB, only people who have been in special FT service al their lives. So they don't know a hoot about what goes on in the real world.

    Bethelites buy food in the specially priced commisary, buy gas from specially priced pumps. They don't pay rent, wash their own clothes, clean their own rooms. They don't have a clue as to what real people experience. 50 years of that and they are on the GB. By then, so many people give them green handshakes and they travel al over the globe like royalty they are living large.


    Yknot, the only point I disagree on:

    Ease...........Medical, food, shelter, toiletries, clothing, transportation all paid, everything but a valet to wipe your ass.

    Well, they can get a Bethel newbie nurse aid to clean their asses if they can't anymore. The last time I saw Carey Barber he could barely move, so he probably had the full valet service. But he would, at age 99, flirt with all the sisters and give them kisses. Kind of a flirty dirty old man.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    GB lore quotes Dan Sydlik as saying that what WT needs to do is scrap their whole theology and start over.

    Where do you get that from...

    Is it something from Ray Franz? I remember him stating that Lyman Swingle was no longer a fan of 1914... and yet Swingle stayed in too... the WT says he wanted to die with his boots on...

  • Dagney

    Who is misguiding them?

    Ego and greed IMHO. They know by now their original concepts are flawed. They refuse to acknowledge history and chronology for fear the flock loses faith in them and stops the money flow.

  • Mary
    Is the Governing Body operating seriously out of the belief that they are God's only channel to mankind? Or are they deliberately scamming people?

    I believe, both. On one hand, there's no way they could be ignorant of the fact that many of their doctrines are completely false. The best example that comes to mind is their faulty reasoning of how Jesus returned invisibly in 1914. Since it can be proven beyond a doubt that their date for Jerusalem's destruction did not occur in 607 BCE, but in 586 BCE, then much of their core beliefs and doctrines simply crumble under the dominos effect. No matter how deluded they are on their own power, I find it hard to believe that they don't look back at some of the insane doctrines the Organization used to teach, without cringing. Furthermore, my gut feeling is that they know full well that their murderous stand on blood has no basis in the scriptures, but if they drop it, they leave themselves wide open for multiple lawsuits. And I'd love to know how they sleep at night knowing that they had stock in a cigarette company as well as through a government contract for a warship.

    Even so, I think they're so blinded by their own lies and power, that to them, the end justifies the means. They realize they've made numerous blunders but to them, it's all for the greater glory and expanding the Organization so they believe that Jehovah is still blessing them no matter what. Funny, but they blast the Jews for having the exact same attitude.

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