Going to an international assembly 1974 and one of the GB Leo Greenlees saying"this will most likely be the last international assembly this side of armageddon".
Poeple selling their houses.
Storing up food.
Wondering what went wrong on dec 31 1975!
by karter 43 Replies latest jw experiences
Going to an international assembly 1974 and one of the GB Leo Greenlees saying"this will most likely be the last international assembly this side of armageddon".
Poeple selling their houses.
Storing up food.
Wondering what went wrong on dec 31 1975!
Well, I was in 6th grade in the beginning of 1975 and saw nothing indicative of major world upheavals. True, my father lost his job and separated for money reasons during 1975--but that was merely personal and not world shattering. And we had the recession. And we had Christmas that year. I do remember having some cousins that I did not like too much, but I also remember having plenty of snow and having a snow day from school the day before it was to close for Christmas. We rang in the new year on a snowy note for 1976. Certainly, nothing close to Armageddon conditions.
I remember some convention in Los Angeles where we were told the preaching work was almost over and soon we would be going door to door announcing destruction instead of everlasting life. So fucking amazing to think we believed that crap - or at least thought we believed it.
I remember never having heard of the j-ho's or kingdub hells or the WTBTS. I think they hit our house just after the big let down in 75. Of course nobody mentioned it either.
The Chevrolet Vega and the Ford Pinto......I was assimulated in 1976 by the Borg, so I used to say, "I am glad the end did not come in 1975". I pissed away almost 30 years.
I don't recall many things since I was only 7. But I remember everyone being so anxious that the end was coming...well it seems that something went wrong since I'm 41 now, left the WT and most of all I'm an evil "apostate"
I remember praying that Jehovah wouldn't bring Armageddon that day, while I was standing waiting for the school bus.
I remember my best friend and her pioneer parents every once in a while saying, "Stay alive 'til '75!!!" and laughing (not really joyously, actually kinda more like maniacally) as if they thought that was a terribly clever in-joke.
In a weird parallel to all the WT hysteria, I read Hal Lindsay's book about prophecy, The Late Great Planet Earth. There was also a low budget indie film called "A Thief in the Night" making the rounds then, as well a the usual assortment of Chick tracts. With the middle east conflicts, inflation and cultural changes it was a time that could breed such thoughts.
I still have an interest in prophecy, but more as a cultural scene than a description of actual events. I saw too many books remap Bible prophecies onto modern events each time they changed and realized it was a game, which further research showed had been going on at a feverish pace for over 150 years.
People who lay out the prophecies constantly for others to eat it up, I call their industry the Prophecy Smack, as it resembles junkies jonesing for a fix of prophecy.
(Yes I'm being cheeky)
I was a toddler pre 75. But my parents came in before 75. Never hear them mention anything about that year. Me thinks I need to bring it up nonchalantly to see what they have to say.