My respect for Bill Bowen just fell several points. It seems that others working with Bill in the past have had problems with his desire to seek center stage. Too bad.
by Seeker4 30 Replies latest watchtower bible
My respect for Bill Bowen just fell several points. It seems that others working with Bill in the past have had problems with his desire to seek center stage. Too bad.
Thanks 2X, Blondie!
I vividly remember how I reacted when, as I was leaving the JWs, my research revealed all of the dishonest quotes in the Creation book. Other stuff I could maybe understand or overlook, but the unethical journalism was a planned effort to deceive their readers, and I'd have left the WTS over that fact alone.
I'm not saying Bill is misquoting, but letting personal feelings interfere with total openness and transparency is not acceptable. I do get the impression from reading over his material about this particular situation that he is trying to highlight his own role and downplay the work of others.
I have nothing against Bill - he was the one who told me to get onto this site! – and I think he's done a great deal of good, but this sort of thing really detracts from that.
I'd still like to hear an explanation if there is one.
Have you pm'd Barbara Anderson to ask her? Also you can ask Bill Bowen on Saturday, May 24 on the next conference call. It will be at 7 p.m. EST by calling (712)432-8710. When asked for pin give number 9925. I would be curious to see how he and/or Barbara Anderson has to say about the situation.
A question for you: have you been in touch and able to verify the legitimacy of IrishJournalist? Please pm me and look for my pm to you on a different subject.
Unbelievable. I haven't been following this aspect of the WTS. Apologizing for only skimming this, it seems that the WTS paid out these settlements because it was cheaper than defending their position of "innocent bystander", costing them more legal fees than just $700+ thousand! As we see, they claimed no "wrongdoing."
So it's a matter of finances. The moral issue in the court and defending chruch policy wasn't seemed worth it, not to mention the bad publicity, so this looks like more "private file" issue just to save money.
But you KNOW that the WTS has a clear "conflict of interest" since the Bible does condemn taking to court "disputes" between brothers, that the Bible says should be settled in the congregation. So they have to interpret just how far that applies.
I, of course, see no problem here since they are supposed to obey the law as well, the ideal scenario being after the congregation handles the case, to encourage the wrongdoer to do his "civic duty" and go to the authorities and turn himself him. That is, if he is really "repentant." If not, then they would have a responsibility to do so to follow the law, which would not conflict with their Christian responsibility, or whether or not that person was considered forgiven or not by the congregation.
The lack of clarity of policy in this regard throughout the local congregations thus is clearly the problem here, and landing on the doorsept of the headquarters, it was just easier to pay out, especially these small settlement amounts for these few cases that actually come to trial.
But still I'm suspicious. Likely any church has this problem, where individuals abuse authority and get tempted. It's not church policy per se to encourage molestation of children. But in the BIG PICTURE, since all religion is to be destroyed by BTG to make room for the "One World Order" attacking the religion on as many issues as possible to make it easier to dismiss the religion altogether is in line with this focus, as well as the blood groups that malign the WTS for killing children because of the blood policy. The Catholic Church is having the same problem and they also have settled.
Plots within plots.
Earth to JCANON! JC, you are so in your own world.
Do you have any idea what this thread is about? You are, without a doubt, in the running for the JWD Resident Wingnut Award!
Well, isn't this an interesting find.
Either this is a computer mistake when the "cut & paste" were done, or a green monster with a delete finger is running about Silent Lambs. If it's the later, this just stinks. If the common goal is to help the children, then the entire NBC news story should be shown. Else, the credibility of Silent Lambs has been been hurt.
I'm afraid that it looks like Bill let his personal animosity toward Barbara get in the way of ethical journalism. Maybe he can give us a reasonable explanation? If not, people at least need to be aware of what Bill did.
I didn't realize Bill had animosity toward Barbara, what on earth happened there ?
has anyone spoken to either one?
There are people on here who have contacted Silentlambs about this. No response yet. If someone asked this during the conference call, that would be interesting. Perhaps the response could be posted on this thread.
As far as Barbara, how do you think you'd feel if you'd been cut out of something like that? It would likely not set well.
If Bill or Barbara want to comment on the other questions, they should feel free.
I spoke to Bill and his wife about 2 months ago. I knew Bill and his dad from Arkansas back in the late 60's as we pioneered in the same circuit.
I have also spoken with the Andersons and was impressed too.
It is too bad that the people that have done the most to highlight the WT's evil position on pedophiles have gotten crossways with each other.
I bet it makes the WT happy.