" Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan- it actually helped me more than " Crisis of Conscience"
at your recommendation, I obtained Hassan's book. It truly is an eye opener. A fellow fader dub has it now...he is a slow reader. I may never get it back. LOL
CoC, while an informative book, really did not have the impact on me that it did on many others here on JWD. I was already well aware of many of the organizational things from my personal investigation into the Borg and other internal Borg sources who filled me in on the scoop behind the curtain...... Franz was the "boogie man" as far as I was concerned for so many years. Maybe if I had found CoC years ago I would have left sooner. CoC just confirmed to me that the Borg is full of crap. I couldnt get through ISoCF..... boring as hell to me....
Snakes ()