your personal favourite books that freed you from the JW's

by ninja 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SnakesInTheTower


    " Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steve Hassan- it actually helped me more than " Crisis of Conscience"

    at your recommendation, I obtained Hassan's book. It truly is an eye opener. A fellow fader dub has it now...he is a slow reader. I may never get it back. LOL

    CoC, while an informative book, really did not have the impact on me that it did on many others here on JWD. I was already well aware of many of the organizational things from my personal investigation into the Borg and other internal Borg sources who filled me in on the scoop behind the curtain...... Franz was the "boogie man" as far as I was concerned for so many years. Maybe if I had found CoC years ago I would have left sooner. CoC just confirmed to me that the Borg is full of crap. I couldnt get through ISoCF..... boring as hell to me....

    Snakes ()

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    What today is book day? lol....First Hope4O, then me, and now you're talking about books????

    In all seriousness, that's great... the more the merrier, we all need to get cured of this cult.

    I already posted about my books on my thread:

    Now go back to saying something funny ninjaman

  • momzcrazy

    The New Testament, of the BIBLE!


  • Anti-Christ

    Combating cult mind control, Steven Hassan

    Seriously, on virtually every page my jaw drops open and I think "wow, and I thought that was unique to JW's!!"

    That's exactly how I felt when I read it.

  • sweetface2233

    The encyclopedia was an eye opener for me.

  • BizzyBee
    2/visions of glory...barbara harrison....fantastic insights......(god can't kill arnold)

    I was out for ten years when I ordered this book. I knew NO ONE who was out of the the borg. I DEVOURED this book - neglected houseguests, hubband, child for about 3 days to read this. Wrote to B G Harrison - she kindly sent me a postcard, which I cherish. It was monumental for me - there was no internet, nada.

    She was a great and brave woman.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Ninja - you feeling OK? I know, I know, it's the Scottish football that's got to you.....


    Crisis of Conscience
    In Search of Christian Freedom
    Combatting Cult Mind Control
    Captives of A Concept
    Animal Farm

    They were the biggies.

    Right now I'm reading Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) - incredible book (does not mention JWs, only end-times religions) which totally explains the psychology of why people will not take responsibility for their actions and how they spend their lives justifying their actions in support of their dogmatic opinions - totally enlightening but frustrating when you realise there is little that you can do to prevent things like shunning. Very helpful to accepting the status quo.

    Great thread Ninja.

  • logic&reason

    1) NG Atlas of World History - me to question the WTBS.

    2) Misquoting Jesus - me to question the bible.

    3) The Selfish Gene - ... got me to think about the real origins and meaning of life.

  • JK666

    CoC, Ray rules!


  • JK666

    Prior to that, Paul Hoeffel's letter. Not a book, but an earth shattering moment for me.


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