JW's & JW sympathisers please help! Bed bugs!

by Mr Ben 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I would like to know how JW's reconcile their world view with the fact that there exists creatures that live solely on blood. Bed bugs are in the news at the moment so they serve as a good example. Bed bugs live solely on the blood of animals.

    Ok, please explain to me how you reconcile the belief of Creation by Jehovah with the existence of bed bugs?

    (I wonder if any JW sympathisers will take this on?)

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    JW's believe the blood ban is for humans alone. They probably would define it as those who were made in 'Gods image'. The functions of blood outside of the human race are pretty much deemed irrelevant, although I believe hearing once that JWs were not allowed to give their pets blood transfusions.

    It's one of those things they just don't bother taking the time to discuss.

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses view animals, including bedbugs, as amoral. They have no spiritual needs, and hence do not have the chance of living forever. They also do not have the inherited sin.

    (OK, so why then do dogs get cancer?)

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    JW's believe that Jehovah created animals to be vegetarian (and perhaps also created meat eating scavengers to keep the earth clean?). They do not believe God CREATED animals that either eat living things or deliberately designed them to feed on the blood of living things. I want to hear pro-JW's explain how a bed bug comes to exist.

    You will note on discussions like these that Creationists are pretty silent. Come on Creationist, let's hear it!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Bed bugs at plant juice prior to the flood.

    Then Jehovah briefly awoke from his Sabbath slumber, snapped his "Creative" fingers and gave the green light to carniverous activity. But it was just a quick awakening so as not to violate his own Sabbath.

    You need more faith in God the great trickster and illusionist Mr Ben.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm going to have to start writing these down. People get cancer. Dogs get cancer. Cats get leukemia. People get sick because of inherited sin. Animals get sick because of...nature thrown out of wack because of humans' sin???

    That's the way I heard it.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Thanks Open Mind - your faith is mind numbing inspiring!

    Seriously though, have you noticed how Creationists stay clear of these threads when challenged with something specific?

    Come on you Creationists, give me a biblical answer! (...sound of gauntlet thrown to floor).

  • loosie

    The bed bugs will be disfellowshipped accordingly.

  • Awakened07

    Yep, they didn't use to feed on animals or humans (neither did leeches etc.), they ate fruit juices as explained above. -And can't you just see in your mind's eye a great white shark gnawing on a coconut? 'Cause that's why it's got those teeth. Coconuts and roots. Hard to come by for a shark, but hey.

    Animals were affected by mankind's sin, because... Well, it would just look stupid if humans were imperfect and animals were perfect, right?

  • BreakingAway
    Animals were affected by mankind's sin, because... Well, it would just look stupid if humans were imperfect and animals were perfect, right?

    Which means they were innocent and yet God subjected all animals to needless suffering just to prove his point of "Universal Sovereignty".Plus, he doesn't offer them any form of "compensation" such as a resurrection or heavenly bliss.Doesn't that make you feel close to God ?

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