Republicans Face "Extraordinarily Problematic" Crisis
by nvrgnbk 33 Replies latest jw friends
Journey, you seriously need to pull your head out of your ass, if you're going to continue to post on political threads. Acolyte de'Burn just ain't cuttin' it.
In all due respect, beksbk, shut the f*ck up and pull your own head out of your own ass. Just because I have some opinions that correspond to Burn's does not mean I am his acolyte. There are many things we think differently about. I could say the same thing about you with another certain poster, so keep your pie hole shut when I voice my educated....YES...educated opinion.
Dan The Man Wrote:
It's an embarrassing joke for Republicans to talk about fiscal responsibility.
The funny (pathetic) thing is that many Republican's are now spewing this. 'Bush wasn't a "true conservative"', is what they belch up on talk radio. They elected the most conservative, bible beating, Jesus loving, freak they possibly could, and now want to claim that Mr. Bush 'isn't a true conservative', without the slightest mention that maybe....just maybe.....the Republipuke idea/s simply do not work.
I will laugh my junk off if the Democrats pick up 10 Senate seats and 35 to 40 House seats because the Republipukes refuse to own up to their horrendous errors. Oh how sweet 2009 is going to be!!!! LOL Georgie Bush Monkey may just be the best thing that has ever, ever happened to the Democratic party. The moron has cost the Republipukes control of govt for a generation or more! LOL! I love it!
The funny (pathetic) thing is that many Republican's are now spewing this. 'Bush wasn't a "true conservative"', is what they belch up on talk radio.
He presided over an enormous increase in the Federal government. This is not fiscal conservatism.
They elected the most conservative, bible beating, Jesus loving, freak they possibly could, and now want to claim that Mr. Bush 'isn't a true conservative', without the slightest mention that maybe....just maybe.....the Republipuke idea/s simply do not work.
I wanted McCain in 2000, but it was not to be. So tell me, who is your preferred candidate for 2008?
In all due respect, beksbk, shut the f*ck up and pull your own head out of your own ass. Just because I have some opinions that correspond to Burn's does not mean I am his acolyte. There are many things we think differently about.
Truth be told, I f*cking hate it when I end up in agreement with JO. Once, just once, I would like for her to be wrong so I can eviscerate her for all to see.
Indo_Dude said:
The funny (pathetic) thing is that many Republican's are now spewing this. 'Bush wasn't a "true conservative"', is what they belch up on talk radio.
I guess this is the Republicans version of "new "
The only way a McCain is gonna be president is fraud or fear.
Wonder what the October Surprise will be?
so keep your pie hole shut when I voice my educated....YES...educated opinion.
as soon as you do, I will
Show me where I cut you down on this thread, Beks, and I'll apologize.
I like how some people are so pompous that when anyone disagrees with them politically they start calling them 'expletive deleteds' and 'uneducated'.
Not to mention any names ( beksbks /ID) or anything. LOL
No wonder it's such a mess with such a lack of respect for any other opinion.
P.S. I know, I know... my head must be in my ass just like everyone else other than you 'intellectuals'.
Duh, I will love you and hug you and squeeze you to death!
I didn't read this thread but I do gather that beks and JO are going at it. lol
All I has to sayz is that we put the democrats in congress what almost 2 years ago?
The more things change the more things stay the same.