In reading JW literature over the years and talking to missionaries, I've often read and heard the term "manmade religion" applied to other Christian churches. Yet when I study the history, the church seems to have been built on a publishing company. No revelations or visions, no voices from heaven, no light or glory, no visitations—yet the Jehovah's Witnesses proclaim that they're the only "true" religion. I don't have any problems with them claiming that, nor practicing their beliefs; however, how does one know that one is an apostle of Christ unless...well, unless someone with some authority...umm...up there...tells them?
Catholics and Orthodox Christians claim papal authority. Mormons and Seventh-Day Adventists claim revelations from God. The Worldwide Church of God claimed a prophetic mantle, in which Herbert W. Armstrong was "the Elijah" that Malachi prophecied would come, but what claims can the JWs claim? Wouldn't a publishing company starting a church fit into the category of "man made"?