I didn't want to hijack another thread but an idea popped into my head.
I remember when i was a dub going on bible studies with other persons and those persons interject(sp) their own ideas into the study, for example:
During a study a brother, while studying out of the Live Forever book, exclaimed that Noah had 3 sons Shem, Ham and Japheth and from those sons the various races came. He explained that Shem was white, Ham was black and Japheth was Oriental. I could not find this in any of the publications but never confronted him on it.
At another study a brother commented to a student that Satan was allowed to rove about on the earth because his job was to create all of the precious gem stones. I know that the bible does comment about gem stones and such in and around that time period but it was not confirmed in any of the publications. Again never said anything about it.
My point is, why does the society allow this bible study arrangment to go on since they love to be in control? Soon the book study will be gone, is the home bible study arrangement next?
It only makes sence to me that an arrangement will come into effect that directs the r&f to hand over all home bible studies to more qualified (die hard dubs) to give them the proper education.
It makes no sence giving a r&f member that much lattitude within this organization. Even in the business world sales people do not close the sale. When they get a live one on the line they are immediately sent up the chain to a more capable sales person.
Holy Spirit deliviered this to me and to it goes all the credit. The light gets brighter everyday I am here gathered with you people. Maybe I am of the annointed?