Does anyone have the dates and locations of the assemblies of the summer and the theme. Just so I know what I'm talking about when my mom asks about it.
Summer Assembly info
by YoungAmerican 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Wordly Andre
why are you going to stand outside with a sign? Lets go in costumes I'll dress up like Hitler and You can be Rutherford and we will write letters to each other.
Open mind
Good one Worldly Andre.
Thanks for the link!
I am noticing the first ones starting May 23-25, which is the world's Memorial Day Weekend. Note that there are many places where school is still in session and this wastefest is in May or early June, causing children to have to miss a day of classes for the stupid Grand Boasting Session!
AK - Jeff
Can anyone point to the new 'releases' and where I can download the PDF's if they are available?
Somewhere I saw a scan of a page from one of the prefaces or forwards in one of the books that really slammed those of us who had been DF'd or DA'd, and I would like to look at that portion more carefully.
Somewhere I saw a scan of a page from one of the prefaces or forwards in one of the books that really slammed those of us who had been DF'd or DA'd, and I would like to look at that portion more carefully.
I'd like to know that, too!!
Is there a quote feature i'm missing????
AK - Jeff
Is there a quote feature i'm missing????
Drop down box under styles - but so far I have not been able to get it to do anything but separate boxes for each line of text.