I am spending it having a very unfruitful yard sale ! Been out here since six am and have only had two people stop ! One bought a 50cent paperback book . It is my own fault ,I didn't advertize just thought I could catch some garage salers going to the sale down the street . Put everything together last night .
Thought you might enjoy the mental pic of me in my driveway trying to sell my old kingdom hall clothes !!! lol I do not know why no one is tempted to buy my collection of Sears ankle lenghth floral dresses ..... Yes I do these are god aweful ,along with my husbands sweet JC Penny suits and well worn brown boxy style book bag . uck ...
Anyone interested in a slightly used 1978 Suzuki GS 750 motorcycle ?
How about a couch and loveseat or a mini microwave oven .....
nevermind........ Craigslist here I come !