How are you spending this Saturday morning ?

by troubled mind 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I am spending it having a very unfruitful yard sale ! Been out here since six am and have only had two people stop ! One bought a 50cent paperback book . It is my own fault ,I didn't advertize just thought I could catch some garage salers going to the sale down the street . Put everything together last night .

    Thought you might enjoy the mental pic of me in my driveway trying to sell my old kingdom hall clothes !!! lol I do not know why no one is tempted to buy my collection of Sears ankle lenghth floral dresses ..... Yes I do these are god aweful ,along with my husbands sweet JC Penny suits and well worn brown boxy style book bag . uck ...

    Anyone interested in a slightly used 1978 Suzuki GS 750 motorcycle ?

    How about a couch and loveseat or a mini microwave oven .....

    nevermind........ Craigslist here I come !

  • WTWizard

    One thing I am doing is posting here. Without really having prospects with the opposite sex or a family, I find myself with more time to help ruin the Washtowel Slaveholdery.

  • chickpea

    this is a "projects" continued weekend.... seal the new granite tile counter, finish urethaning the trim pieces for the counter, tend to the seed trays, transplanting some to larger pots, work on raised beds ( frames), figure out a trellis system for climbing crops...... same ole stuff... just trying to keep from falling too far behind in the ongoing parade of chores

  • Velvetann

    WTWizard so sorry you haven't got company for the weekend. thank goodness for JWD to keep us company, right?

    Doing a yard sale doesn't sound to exciting, hope it picks up for you. Its rainy and cold here today, I don't think a yard sale would be successful here but there is one on my street today.

    I have been on JWD all morning, now I am going to spend the rest of the day hanging out with my Honey. Its an inside day, whatever will we do LOL.


  • restrangled

    I'm hosting a bridal shower at my home tomorrow. I have been cooking since 8:00 am and just sat down to take a break with JWD. We're having stuffed grape leaves, spanakopita, greek pasta salad with shrimp, roasted vegetable tart, cucumbers and sour cream, and chicken salad with pineapple and cranberries in phyllo cups......I'm half way through....guess I better get busy again. I don't think I'll want to see the kitchen again for a few days! r.

  • ninja

    hitting the hardest substance known to man with a sledgehammer to see if I can break it........the substance? not mother in law's blancmange

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    WELL THE YARD SALE JUST PICKED UP Sold the couch ,loveseat , and microwave .....doing a little dance ~~~~

    The weather is great here today however some plague of little flies as hatched over my town and if you are in the shade they try to carry you away ,little beasts .

    WT ......Wish you better prospects ....glad you have us for company

    Restrangled your party menu sounds delicious !!!! I've been on weight wathers for two weeks ...I'm hungry for something really good !

  • mrsjones5

    I was sleeping, worked last night. Glad the yardsale picked up. Its nice here too and a lot of yardsales also.

  • Bring_the_Light

    I'm washing clothes, giving my head a fresh shave, and getting ready for a lunch/dinner meetup with 12 other Ex-JWs.

  • Hope4Others

    I'm flat out, in bed typing right at this very moment. Bad back spasms, do not no what I did, barely finished work last night.

    This really sucks its a 3 day long weekend, beautiful outside and lots I could be doing.

    Living on muscle relaxants today......


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