I wonder what "proof" they have. That is typical witless defense of their faith--of course, it is "proven" by taking scriptures out of context (that have probably been altered to make them fit the doctrine) and then using specious arguments to "prove" a point. This is the main way they cause people to continue believing their lies, and getting them to believe in them in the first place.
I have also had "proven", right from the Bible, that Jehovah is nothing more than a tyrant. He initiated force by causing Adam to grow old and die after eating a piece of fruit that otherwise would have rotted. He got Cain angry because He did not accept his sacrifice, of which He had no business asking for in the first place. He killed many people for just living in a land where His people were to inhabit, unless they were to follow all His rules. He did not tolerate freedom or business.
I also "proved" that Satan and Jesus taught exactly the same thing. Jesus liberated people from an oppressive religion. Satan liberated people from a potentially oppressive religion. I bet they won't tell you that.