I am the Faithful and Discreet Slave

by jwblog 136 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwblog

    Are you friends with, or related to JC?

    Inquiring minds want to know!!

    How do you firgure you are the F&DS?? Who told you this?

    I have seen JC's writings. He does a lot of research and they are so intense that I have no time to follow many of them. He is very praise worthy. I will post a scripture and you tell me who you think told me I was the faithful slave ok? 45 "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings.

  • crazyblondeb

    I say that sounds like the fairy godmother from "Cinderella"!!

    That's about as much credence that I give the bible!!

  • jwblog

    I say that sounds like the fairy godmother from "Cinderella"!!

    That's about as much credence that I give the bible!!I

    I do not recall a vision of a fairy godmother. However I have seen a vision of a spider web at one end of my room. I saw it and begin to notice that it was transforming into what appeared to be an angel. Along with it you feel a strong presence as if a source of clean power is in the room. That is how spirits feel when they are in your vicinity.

    My master is the one that told me who I was. God appeared to me first and gave me signs that I was chosen. I was then visited by Jesus Christ at another night and told me to prepare for my judgment. He took my emotions from one extreme to another. I did not know whether I was going to pass judgment or not. Christ is very intense in his person and as a spirit. I passed judgment by the way.
  • jwblog

    One final thing for the night, I then have to prepare for our future.

    In like manner to Jesus Christ whom has a bride. The Almighty has directed me to my bride as well. I begin posting here under a pen name, Ray of Light. I met a female that calls herself "Ray of Light" as well. There are too many signs too mention that God has placed with me in order to know who she is. She is very intense, very spiritual, and commands your attention with her personality. She seeks out truth in law by her own thought process which shows me she is inspired. I know this because we are in agreement in many matters of the law.

    Prepare yourself for the Bride Groom as well as the Bride, THE "NEW JERUSALEM" IS UPON US.......

    Estephan Leuese, out of the tribe of Levi; the faithful and discreet slave of The ALMIGHTY and of Jesus Christ, AMEN ! ! !

  • shamus100

    Now how do you know that Satan is not hiding these visions - some of the 'good' ones are actually there to mislead you. Are you certain? Just an honest question.

    Also, what style dress will the bride be wearing when she is wed?

  • jwblog

    Now how do you know that Satan is not hiding these visions - some of the 'good' ones are actually there to mislead you. Are you certain? Just an honest question.

    Also, what style dress will the bride be wearing when she is wed?

    Very good question. Let me give you an example. God will direct me to "visual" or something tangible in real life like a car with its headlights busted out. Than another with the fender bashed in. These are all of the same cars that my bride drives. I learn later on that her car was run into in the parking lot. All of Gods signs are something in this world. If it is placed before me as a sign He will then direct me to an internet web site and show me the fulfillment. God knows the internet, and everything man upon the earth has created. If man can create it GOD already knew of its composition from the very foundation of its elements.

    A thought completely out of contents with what is going on at the time is placed in my head and He asks, were you thinking of that? My response is no, not at all. He talks with me in the native tongue of my parents, spanish, which I do not talk on a regular basis. God will make it known to me that He is constantly with me. I am even awakened in the morning a split second before my alarm goes off by a vision placed in my minid or a strong emotion. Once I was driving and dozing off, He then gave me a vision of someone punching me in the face in order to wake me up. He guards me and watches over me constantly. He allows things to occur to me as a part of what satan puts forth. This is because we are at war and I am a part of this war, therefore I should expect things to occur to me. As far as Jesus bride I have no clue, lol. God will choose what I wear but the Christ will come first, I will come afterward in subjection and in order of authority. My bride is very beautiful even in this world, all humans will be made perfect in beauty and appearance in the new world. I have a question to all that are reading. Was Jesus Christ a handsome man or was he like he is depicted in many portrait and paintings?
  • shamus100

    How do you understand your native tongue of Spanish when you cannot understand it? Please explain.

    I think of Jesus like wearing a pirate shirt... swinging from a ship, cutting his enemies with a sword. I know it sounds hokey, but it's the truth. Sometimes I think of Jesus as a little 8 pound baby, so cuddly and cute....

  • jwblog

    How do you understand your native tongue of Spanish when you cannot understand it? Please explain.

    Iof Jesus like wearing a pirate shirt... swinging from a ship, cutting his enemies with a sword. I know it sounds hokey, but it's the truth. Sometimes I think of Jesus as a little 8 pound baby, so cuddly and cute....

    I edited my posting to give better explanation. I do not speak it on a regular basis. There were times when I did speak it fluently but while filled with holy spirit. I also spoke like an ancient indian with a strong accent.

    Jesus was a handsome man as he was perfect. God makes fun of Christ when he tells me that Jesus mingled with the females when he was growing up :) And I receive a vision of Jesus with a slight crooked smile as if a flirtatious gesture. God calls Jesus El Guapo (or handsome in spanish I believe). God is very kind and loving, angry to those that deserve it as in satan and the demons, I am going to make an attempt at describing GOD as a creation. These are the feelings and emotions that I get. GOD is a creation seemingly like biological with intense what you might call nuclear energy. That is the emotion that I feel in His creation. The way He appears to me in His True person is very calm, relaxed, and as ease. An immense feeling of love emminate from His person. You hear no sound from Him, however you sense His thoughts in your mind. One might call it mental telepathy. He commuicate with His thoughts. Do you know why it is impossible for a man to see (sense His person) GOD and yet live? As example, have you ever met a person with such a strong personality that they overwhelm you? Well GOD's person is so intense that if you were allowed to sense His person the feeling would be so strong as to kill you. I could only bear a strong spirit for a short time. It makes me weak and overwhelms me. However this is how I am reminded of their strong presence and I appreciate it everytime I recieve the Holy Spirit with intensity.
  • crazyblondeb

    One final thing for the night, I then have to prepare for our future.

    I thought you had preparations to make....

  • jwblog
    I thought you had preparations to make....

    I do :) However how can I turn someones questions aside? I just work harder is all.

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