I was talking about this with some friends yesterday, I believe that we do not change, we might change the way we see the world around us, we might change our belief, we will learn new things that will make us change our outlook on life but when it comes down to it I think we are who we are. My friends say that we do change, that we are never the same person year after year, I was the only one who did not agree. I told them that I have seen people "change" but deep down there were the same person, all they change was their "mask". One of my friends said to me that his travels change him, I told him that he his the same person now has he was when I first met him, he said "no, I am really different" I said to him that he change his way of seeing the world but when I am around him I still "recognize" him, he is basically the same.
The point I am trying to make is this, we all have different potential, events in our life will affect us differently from one person to the other but in the end we will react to these events according to who we are so we do not really change we just add or subtract to who we are. It's not easy for me to explain but I would like to have some comments.