I wish somebody would call Orkin and get rid of these pests.
Is the Tower of fear and deception really starting to crumble ?
by Homerovah the Almighty 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I left in January of 97 and I havent seen ONE THING happen to the Borg that would indicate that anything positive at all has happened with them or to them since that time. I see NO real growth. I see more and more people online here escaping like fugitives from Alcatraz. I have seen the Borg change their stand on Blood and the sanctions for taking blood and Ive seen them write and rewrite their "truth" to suit their failing prophecies. They are trying to draw people in by naming conventions and convention halls "Christian" type names that would imply to those who thought otherwise, that JWs ARE Christians. Like "Follow the Christ" (when they dont even BAPTIZE anyone in his name!) or "The West Palm Beach Christian Convention Center"....to make them appear to be "normal". Its a spider, a web and a fly.
They were already cutting back things when I left, not charging for the literature at the door but asking for a donation. The Generation had just changed in 95 again. They try desperately to shore up the failing membership numbers....letting people report 15 minutes of time if they wanted to which would of course increase the number of publishers. Counting people who are just approved associates as members, counting inactive ones, counting anything that would stand still long enough to be counted....when the reality was that their developed nation statistics were dropping like hot rocks and the only growth was in underdeveloped third world countries who hadnt found out the lies yet.
They re-studied the Revelation book what four times now? So they dont have to come up with a new one...and what is the Revelation Book except for one loooong piece of propaganda about the Borg?
They stopped delivery of magazines to homes. What better way to 1) save money and 2) get people to come to the hall to get their literature there...if by then they cared anyway. They are printing in paperback now.
They started campaigns to try to dredge up OLD members who stopped coming because the NEW members totally dried up by having shepardhing calls to inactive ones....people the elders didnt give a shit about until they were forced to. The only people getting baptized any more were weary kids of existing JWs who were mostly forced to do it. I read on here lately there are whole conventions with NO baptizees but they gave the talk anyway which is pathetic.
They stopped food service at conventions, then stopped bringing it in to sell it, then started asking people to bring their own and told them they couldnt leave the grounds to go eat elsewhere...which meant a lot of people LEFT at lunch time who didnt come back to hear more mindless endless drivel.
Attendance at ALL meetings and ALL conventions is in the crapper and they know it.
Theres noone to finance and upkeep halls any more and the sheep are getting poorer and sadder and most of them are on anti-depressants. So they sell two or three halls and make one mega hall to house them all and call that proof of Jehovahs blessing?
Now they cut back again on the number of magazines printed and are combining meetings and selling off NY property.
Yep....its going like a bad accident in slow motion...but its impetice is unstoppably down hill.
And did I mention the pedophile scandal? The UN scandal? and who knows what else will surface soon thanks to the world wide WONDERFUL web!!
Homerovah the Almighty
So this means that they aren't the chosen channel from God.........Geez ?
Where is my remote control ?
Yes Found it .....click click ....ohhhh Jack Van Impe click click.......ohhhh Earnst Ansley click click........ohhhh Benny Hinn
Marge, we need a new remote control !
Loves Dubs,
My fade started around January of 1997.
The points made in your post are right on target.
BTW, you were on the old H2O weren't you?
I think they are totally reinventing themselves. And a lot of old timers are waking up. Someone mentioned a type of witness that is challenging within. I don't think they will ever go away totally, but the JW religion as we know it, will be totally different.
I just now went back and read your post.
You should do a series of series of public speeches based on your post. Seriously!
Everyone in a religion sets about creating their own experience by their acceptance or rejection of the teachings, by staying or going. To keep up, the WTS must go through changes as new and different people take over the reigns bringing their own understanding to all the body of teachings. It will morph as it did after Russell death then after Rutherford, Knorr, Franz presidency. Men making adjustment as they feel uncomfortable with some of the past teachings like the blood policy that has continued to hurt their growth. It has changed drastically from just 30 years go. It will change further by becoming deeper into itself or secretive, or more open to new ideas. The leaders feel pressured will search for a catalyst to bring new ones in the organization. Even today they have stopped discouraging the followers from having babies. Of course the pedophile problem has taken center stage and it must be solved or they won't be able to continue to shut people up. Continuing to hide or deny it to the rank and file will not wash eventually if it continues in the Media and they will bolt. I imagine people will see a change in policy on that too before long, simply because it is too costly to keep these men who want sex with children in their ranks especially when they are or have been Elders. They can't change the perception of the public to accept the molestation of children as OK so they are blocked into the corner.
Religions have resisted change for centuries, yet they end up changing all over the place because of the younger generation who coming into positions of authority. Some of these new ones will make the rules stricter harder to deal with, others will want to make it easier and more embracing of all.
If we for instance take the Latter Day Saints. They accepted rejected polygamy, they accepted, then rejected it. Then those who loved it separated and created their own groups and continued to practice polygamy with large groups of mostly men willing to join. They simply talked some women of the faith to leave and join them because this is what their God wanted. Then these women had loads of babies and pretty soon you have a huge large Church going. They understood the need to lots of babies to keep up with the supply and demand of more wives and increased church members. These group of LDS that practice polygamy are guilty of child molestation and rape of girls under 16 and Society is showing them they will not tolerate it by raiding them. Of course they want to convince people that since these little girls are being married to the old dudes there is no rape but we know that don't wash with the enlightened society with access to the internet these days.
The basic LDS continue to add numbers without the multiple wives. By doing away with polygamy they have become more acceptable and desirable to the general public. They have rituals that make them appealing to some folks and a strong family community that help each other out and the community of people outside their religion too. They are nice people and that makes them appealing. They have grown faster than any other modern religion today.
JW's will likely find some kind of appeal to people as they change and adjust themselves to be more appealing. Even today they are not as hated as they were 50 years ago and they have grown like from 1971-1975 before some left because of failed prophecy. They will reinvent themselves like all religions to keep people coming with their money contributions and time to devote to them. Sure they may suffer and decrease for a while but it is likely they will come up with a new gimmick to draw people in.
Its a matter of survival and they just won't believe God wants them to give up anymore than they were willing to give up back in 1919 after the leaders were released from prison.
The problem the society or any religion is that Jesus told the apostles in matt 24 that their generation would not pass away untill all these things take place. Within 40 years later it did with the destruction of Jeruslem. The society wants a second fullfillment of this 2000 years later. Other religions say it was never fullfilled. Entire books have been written on why it is to happen later. Every thing that has happened in the past 2000 years have been applied to those predictions but none of them up to now have happened.
The promise to the apostles was fullfilled in a short time. The anointed , according to the new light , have been waiting 2000 years for the end, modern jws have been waiting over 100 years. Even stupid people will only wait for so long. I think that wait is what will kill the organization.
The reason the catholics lasted so long is because they tell their flock that as soon as you die you go to heaven. No need to wait.
The problem is, that the WT is not a tower at all but a slippery snake that has twisted and turned in order to recover from every failed prophecy and disappointment it has inflicted on its membership.
It will wriggle and deceive for some time yet despite the love of the greater number cooling off. But like all snakes the end will come eventually.