They are all over me with all of these "end of this System of Things" signs......earthquakes, cyclones, pestilences, cost of food to lead to food shortages, blah, blah, blah....Did they make an announcement at the KH that "this is it!!" They say that we've never had all of these things happening all at once like we've had the past few weeks.....
This reminds me of an article I read recently in Newsweek Magazine (May 12, 2008 issue). In the article they are dicussing the Post-American World.
A team of scholars has been engaged in a fascinating study. Their data shows that wars of all kinds have been declining steadily since the mid 1980's and that we are now at the lowest levels of global violence since the 50's. Steven Pinker, a Harvard professor speculates that we are probably living "in the most peaceful time of our species' existence." It just doesn't feel that way because we live in an unprecidented age of information. We are bombarded with news stories and images from around the world 24-7. Every weather disturbance is the "storm of the decade." Every bomb that explodes is Breaking News.
Anyway, I found it very interesting when the article said that in spite of the war in Iraq and other modern political conflicts, the underlying reality across the globe is one of enormous vitality. For the first time ever, most countries around the world are practicing sensible economics... poverty rates are noticably declining, the global economy has more than doubled.
It just goes to show you that in spite of all the propaganda we are faced with, we are indeed in one of the most peaceful ages of our existence, the difference is that because of news media, along with the world wide web, we know more about events going on in the world than anyone did in the past.