European JW versus USA JW
This board is very dominant by experience from US about the JW lives. We are only a few from others parts of the world participate. I live in northern part of Europe. Sometimes reading your experience from USA I appreciate not living there. Don’t misunderstand that opinion. I think USA as a country is great, but the USA JW community isn’t so.
I think the freedom in Europe is higher and more tolerant. We have our problems as well and the whole structure of power and anything about the chronology and the GB is of course the same. But daily lives in the congregation seams to be another world.
Let me give you some examples: We have women wearing pants at the meetings and in public preaching works and no one cares. We have elder doing mounting climbing and participate in sport competitions. We have a lot of young people taking university educations – all very normal.
We have elder going on 3-month holydays away from the congregations and continue to be elder when he comes back. I could mention more.
What’s your experience? Are the above mention examples acceptable in USA? Do others from Europe or other area of the world outside USA have similar experience?
A voice from Europe