JW's call on one of the "Brights"...

by gaiagirl 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • gaiagirl

    Found this discussion of JW's from a "Brights" perspective...


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thanx. that was an interesting glimps into the other side of the door. 2 points I liked

    One other 'fact' they told me. If everybody who'd died was alive today we'd all have 1 acre of land each which is more than enough to live on.
    When I mentioned the bible was written about 200 years after jesus death and has been rewritten and translated many times through the centuries, they mentioned something like a 14 century bible translation they use which is the proper translation word for word unlike all those wannabe bibles you see knockin' about today. Can anyone throw any more light on this JW version?

    The using 1% of our brains was another classic dub argument. you have to love the way they so willingly regurgitate the WT take on things without any 3rd party research. gonna have to look up some of these references.

    As for that ludicrous assertion about brain use, I might've said "Bone up on your 21st-century neuroscience. Read the books by Gerald Edelman, Antonio Damasio, Cristof Koch, and Susan Greenfield ... then, watch your 1%/10% "solution" evaporate into thin air."
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty
  • WTWizard
    The using 1% of our brains was another classic dub argument.

    I bet the witlesses use more like 1 X 10^-100 of their brains. That is 1/(10^100)--if that. More likely, they use zero percent of their brains.

  • winnower


    "When I mentioned the bible was written about 200 years after jesus death and has been rewritten and translated many times through the centuries, they mentioned something like a 14 century bible translation they use which is the proper translation word for word unlike all those wannabe bibles you see knockin' about today. Can anyone throw any more light on this JW version?"


    Frosty, Hope you find this of interest and helpful in your search. excerpt (not from source listed above) For true Christians genuinely possessed by the [actual] Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, THE bonafide Text is the ben Asher Masoretic Hebrew Text (without apocrypha) as edited by Kittel as the Old Testament, plus the New-Testament Trinitarian Greek Text edited by Scrivener. Using that Standard, we judge the ben Chayyim Hebrew text of the Old Testament as an inaccurate concoction, and the Westcott-Hort, Nestle-Aland, and United Bible Society texts as equally corrupt and satanically deviant.

    Some of the corrupt English translators imply that passages of their [spurious] translaton are "based on more ancient and more reliable manuscripts." WHAT is meant by "more reliable?" "Reliable" is WHOSE opinion?" What is the acid test for "reliability?" The wrong opinion of the 400 idolatrous prophets of Baal? All of the majority-opinion lying clergy-prophets except Micaiah? The arrogant and belligerant blatterings of doubt-inciting heretics? Christ's Holy Spirit is The Convincer....not the presumptuous and lying babbling of faithless fools. The good-guy Bible translators state that certain English translations purporting to be "The Holy Bible" (such as the New Testaments of the RSV, NASB, NIV, NLT, etc.) omitted and changed crucial words of the Text based upon the corrupt Greek texts they used for translation. The bad-guy "bible" translators state that the KJV purporting to the "The Holy Bible" added crucial words and changed Text.

    It is quite obvious that the bad guys are liars and heretics simply by the fact that their mistranslations frequently skip sequential verse numberings! Even a toddler can count sequentially, but apparently such sequential-numbering necessity is not understood nor accepted by fool heretics concocting NON-accurate mistranslations blasphemously dishonestly and deceptively mis-called "accurate" for the sake of greed-craving controversy-based sales and money!

  • momzcrazy

    I know some Brights who live in Utah. ..

  • BurnTheShips
    For true Christians genuinely possessed by the [actual] Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, THE bonafide Text is the ben Asher Masoretic Hebrew Text (without apocrypha) as edited by Kittel as the Old Testament, plus the New-Testament Trinitarian Greek Text edited by Scrivener. Using that Standard, we judge the ben Chayyim Hebrew text of the Old Testament as an inaccurate concoction, and the Westcott-Hort, Nestle-Aland, and United Bible Society texts as equally corrupt and satanically deviant.

    Some of the corrupt English translators imply that passages of their [spurious] translaton are "based on more ancient and more reliable manuscripts." WHAT is meant by "more reliable?" "Reliable" is WHOSE opinion?" What is the acid test for "reliability?" The wrong opinion of the 400 idolatrous prophets of Baal? All of the majority-opinion lying clergy-prophets except Micaiah? The arrogant and belligerant blatterings of doubt-inciting heretics? Christ's Holy Spirit is The Convincer....not the presumptuous and lying babbling of faithless fools. The good-guy Bible translators state that certain English translations purporting to be "The Holy Bible" (such as the New Testaments of the RSV, NASB, NIV, NLT, etc.) omitted and changed crucial words of the Text based upon the corrupt Greek texts they used for translation. The bad-guy "bible" translators state that the KJV purporting to the "The Holy Bible" added crucial words and changed Text.

    It is quite obvious that the bad guys are liars and heretics simply by the fact that their mistranslations frequently skip sequential verse numberings! Even a toddler can count sequentially, but apparently such sequential-numbering necessity is not understood nor accepted by fool heretics concocting NON-accurate mistranslations blasphemously dishonestly and deceptively mis-called "accurate" for the sake of greed-craving controversy-based sales and money!



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