I'm your classic Die Hard Microsoft Guy. I have never owned an Apple product in my life. I even develop software specifically for Microsoft platforms for a living, but lately I've just about had it with MS.
For years I have been waiting for MS to make Windows Mobil (for cell phones) into a system that actually works and is easy to use. For years I have been waiting for MS to make a sync system that allowed me to reliably sync my cell phone with my computer. For years I have been waiting for MS to make an OS that is easy to use, stable and reliable.
Today was the last draw. It's been almost a YEAR since I have been able to sync my cell phone contacts and calendar with my Vista system. (The Windows Mobile Device Center rolls over and dies every time I hook up my cell phone)
I'm sick of the flakey and buggy Vista that dies if my cat farts too close to the computer.
One thing I know for sure: When the iPhone 3G (aka, iPhone v2.0) is released in the next month or two I'm buying one. I want a cell phone that actually WORKS and does what I paid for. I want a cell phone that can actually be used to look at the Internet. I want a cell phone that I don't have to fight with to get a simple thing done. I want a cell phone that does not require a PhD in "Hermit Geek With No Life And Stays At Home Tinkering All Day To Figure Out Sh-t" I want a cell phone that is easy to use, powerful, flexible and sophisticated.
Also, when it comes time to replace my current PC, I'm also seriously thinking about buying a Mac. For a long time I have resisted this because of the simple fact that there is hardly any software support for Mac. However, recently I have found that Mac's have virtualization technology that will allow me to run Windows in a Virtual PC. This simple fact means that I will be able to switch over to a virtual PC when I need to use software that is not available for the Mac.
Come on Microsoft!!! I've been a loyal customer for over a decade and this is the CRAP you want to sell me???? You better get your sh*t together before you loose your customers en masse. We will stand by you for only so long before we go!