I'm sick of my instructor so much I want to quit college!!!!

by FreedomFrog 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • FreedomFrog
    navigate the system and get on people's good sides.

    I think you nailed it right there. I didn't try to kiss up with this class and I'm seeing a big difference..lol. I have never written it but I did thought (first time when I entered his class) "what an arrogant jack a**". He does have a Phd in psychology and he may have been able to "read" me without me saying a word. He IS arrogant, and he comes off as he's better but next time when I'm faced with people like this I'll try to control even my thoughts.

    I'll know next time to be careful with what I think...LOL Oh well.

    (note to self; kiss up to everyone that is going teach you)

  • Mysterious

    You know I had a prof like that this term and a similar grade. He actually offered me a re-write of one exam and I managed to come out okay. But man did that guy walk around like his **** don't stink. Just saying don't give up on your grade yet. As for email, well some profs are just not techno savvy. Try ambushing him at his office hours.

  • FreedomFrog

    Thanks JK, that does help...

    I just found out, I normally send in assignments to the Center of Writing Excellence (CWE) which checks my paper and comes back with not too many mistakes. I thought it was OWL but after seeing the link you sent, it was so different.

  • FreedomFrog
    You know I had a prof like that this term and a similar grade.

    What class was that Mysterious?

  • Scully

    Hi FreedomFrog:

    It sucks that you have such a stickler for a prof. Remember that your placement in his class is temporary... meaning "this too shall pass". It's up to you whether the "passing" is like gas (stinks for the time being) or like a kidney stone (beyond painful and sometimes bloody).

    If you are feeling that the prof has a personal bias against you, and things are not improving by the withdrawal date of your course, see if there is a way you can drop the course for now and pick it up next term with a different prof.

    My experience with profs like this is to take their assignments and study it before you begin writing. Find out exactly what they are asking for and give it to them. If they specify APA citation 4th edition in your course outline, do not use APA citation 5th edition. Before you turn in your work, review each part of the assignment and determine whether you have met the criteria of the assignment in your work. Make sure you do a complete grammar and spell check of the assignment before you submit it, and have someone else proofread it for you to see if there are any errors that got through the spell check and grammar check. Another proofreading tip: read the assignment backward - you'll be looking at the words one at a time and will be able to see any spelling errors that you may have missed on previous reads.

    In addition to JK666's APA link, here is another APA citation guide that I've found extremely useful - I've even given the link to some of my kids teachers who like to use visuals with their students - this one provides color-coding for each section of the citation:


    Good luck!

  • Awakened at Gilead
  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    I too have a prof this semester that drives everyone crazy. He docked me for not placing a period after a date in a reference... i.e. "Lastname, I. (Year)."

    I have followed the Owl link (same that JK put up) and that has kept me out of trouble since...

    I hope for the best with you.... Next time take an online class... its more on your terms... IMHO.


  • momzcrazy

    Hang in there, FF!! Think of us who want to go to college, but just can't right now. You are very lucky to be there! Make it thru the class, hope fully you won't have him next term.


  • mkr32208

    Well last semester was my worst at college EVER. I had an insane 80 year old man hating lesbian microbiology teacher... I didn't get a chance to look on ratemyprofessor.com of course if I HAD I would have seen 'DO NOT TAKE THIS PROFFESSOR IF YOUR MALE' plastered everywhere... So I walk in and out of 30 students I'm the only guy... HMMMMMM so all during the semester there are issues. If it's a multiple choice I get a 98 if it's essay I get a 40!

    The girl that sat next to me didn't have a book (didn't really need one) so for one of the assignments I did the work in the computer and forwarded it to her. She printed it I printed it same paper WORD FOR WORD THE SAME! She got a 96 I got a 73... Papers were word for word the freakin same!

    I passed but it was really close...

    Some professors suck....

  • FreedomFrog
    Another proofreading tip: read the assignment backward - you'll be looking at the words one at a time and will be able to see any spelling errors that you may have missed on previous reads.

    This is a great suggestion, thanks scully. I LOVE the link you provided.

    Now, I didn't see anywhere (I'm still looking the site over) on how you're supposed to write "Reference/s". I know you're suppose to center it but is it "References:" with a colon or is it "References" without the colon?

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